*[Enwl-eng] here is the latest news from the High-level Climate Champions at COP 26!

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Nov 5, 2021, 10:48:39 AM11/5/21
to "ENWL-uni"
UN Global Climate Action
4 November 2021
COP 26
Finance and Energy Days in Review
Wednesday, 3 November, and Thursday, 4 November, saw the mainstream financial system aligning behind net zero emissions by 2050, and an acceleration of the transition to clean energy.
Finance Goes Green and Resilient

The race is on for private finance towards net-zero emissions by 2050 and new partnerships are set to drive exponential growth in resilience investments. Find more in-depth news here.
       Through the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, over $130 trillion of private capital is now committed to transforming the economy for net zero. GFANZ has grown 25-fold since April to 450 firms from 45 countries, according to a new progress report.
       These GFANZ commitments can deliver the estimated $100 trillion of finance needed for net zero over the next three decades. That’s 70% of total investments needed, according to new analysis by Vivid Economics, commissioned by the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions.
       UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced new requirements for firms in the UK to publish plans for decarbonizing through 2050.
       A Global Resilience Index launched to improve the way insurers, financiers and investors measure the resilience of countries, companies and supply chains. A number of grants and investments are also going towards building resilience in at-risk countries, including $100 million from the Green Climate Fund to support new technologies.
       The UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, responsible for $10 trillion in assets, has committed to phase out most thermal coal assets by 2030 for industrialized countries and worldwide by 2040. Thirty-three GFANZ members are now part of the Powering Past Coal Alliance.
       The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation also announced a new International Sustainability Standards Board to develop globally consistent climate and broader sustainability disclosure standards for the financial markets. Its creation marks the start of radical collaboration between leading investor-focused sustainability disclosure organizations consolidating into one board. Work begins by June 2022.

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The Energy Transition

A rapid transformation of the global energy system is underway and accelerating. Find more in-depth news here.
       44 countries, and 32 companies and regions, signed COP26 President Alok Sharma’s statement on transitioning from coal to clean power.
       The Powering Past Coal Alliance welcomed seven new subnational governments, three new energy companies and 11 new financial institutions committed to end unabated coal power, in addition to six countries.
       The Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance previewed, before it launches on 10 November. It is an international coalition of governments and stakeholders working together to facilitate the managed phaseout of oil and gas production. 
      Two new Green Hydrogen alliances were launched: the Africa Green Hydrogen Alliance and LatAm Green Hydrogen Alliance. They bring together industry leaders and policy makers to accelerate zero carbon industry development in Africa and Latin America, thereby supporting equitable deep transformation.
       The Green Hydrogen Catapult’s collaboration is driving the cost of green hydrogen production across a key tipping point to below $2/kg, having increased that production target from 25GW to 45GW over the past year, with an emphasis on a global approach to scaling green hydrogen production in developing and developed countries.
       Twelve countries committed to the largest increase ever in product efficiency. A global goal of doubling the efficiency of lighting, cooling, motors and refrigeration by 2030 with support from the Climate Group’s EP100 initiative of 129 businesses.
       The Global Energy Alliance for People & Planet, was launched by the Rockefeller Foundation with the aim to mobilize at least US$10 billion for the rollout of renewable electricity in Africa and Asia, to help a billion people to overcome energy poverty and fossil fuel dependence by 2030. The Alliance issued a call for transformational country programmes to unleash a robust pipeline of projects.
       The plan of establishing a Global Offshore Wind Alliance in 2022 was announced, rallying governments and the private sector to join forces to increase offshore wind ambitions and implementation towards 2030 and beyond.
       The Race to Zero’s power producers aim to reach over 750GW of renewable energy by 2030 and a breakthrough in ambition has been reached in demand for renewable electricity.
       Ten pharmaceutical companies are joining forces to cut indirect emissions by shifting to renewable energy. The pharmaceutical and medical technology sector has hit the Race to Zero campaign’s breakthrough in ambition towards halving emissions within the 2020s.

UN Climate Change | Global Climate Action | Race to Zero | GlobalCli...@unfccc.int | unfccc.int
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Sent by globalcli...@unfccc.int
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2021 11:21 PM
Subject: Vladimir, here is the latest news from the High-level Climate Champions at COP 26!

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