*[Enwl-inf] ESP - Партнерство экосистемных услуг

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Sep 13, 2023, 7:59:36 PM9/13/23
to "ENWL-uni"

Ниже приглашение от партнерства, созданного ряд лет назад, проводят конференции, обмениваются опытом - кому интересно - информация и контакты ниже   

---------- Пересылаемое сообщение ---------
От: Iskra Konovska | FSD <iskra.k...@fsd.nl>
Дата: Ср, 13 сент. 2023 г. в 14:49
Тема: ESP September Newsletter call for input
Dear colleague,


In preparation for the ESP September newsletter we kindly welcome your input. If there are any announcements (from your organisation or your ESP working group/national network/regional chapter) relevant to the ESP community, which you would like to contribute for the September newsletter, please send them by 20th September (Wednesday).

I would also remind you that the registration is open for ESP’s next conference – the 4th International ESP Latin America and Caribbean Conference, set to take place 6-10 November 2023 in La Serena, Chile and online. You can register here, for in person or online participation: https://www.espconference.org/latinamerica2023/wiki/947825/registration. The Early Bird deadline is 30 September.

If your ESP membership is active, you’ve received a discount code for the conference participation. If you’d like to renew your membership – please get in touch.

Thank you for your continuous input and for being an active part of the community!

Warm greetings,
Iskra Konovska

On behalf of the ESP Secretariat




Iskra Konovska

Communications manager
Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD)/ Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP)

P.O. Box 570

6700 AN Wageningen

The Netherlands

Email: iskra.k...@fsd.nl

Telephone: +31(0)317-763990

Website: www.fsd.nl | es-partnership.org


4th International ESP Latin America and the Caribbean Conference – registration is open.




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Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 1:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: ESP - Партнерство экосистемных услуг

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