*[Enwl-eng] Climate change court cases rise, the adaptation gap and more

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Feb 3, 2021, 11:35:33 AM2/3/21
to "ENWL-uni"
January 2021
Your guide to the top environmental stories of the month
This month we look at UNEP’s achievements during 2020, whether the world is on track for ‘adaptation’ and an ambitious drive to map every coral reef on the planet.
Annual Report
In 2020, despite COVID-19, UNEP pushed even harder to address the planetary crises
In a Letter from the Executive Director, UNEP head Inger Andersen highlights the work UNEP and partners have done to address the climate crisis, the biodiversity and nature crisis, and the pollution and waste crisis, as well as refocusing to deal with the immediate environmental impacts of COVID-19.
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Climate Change
World needs to adapt better to climate change: new report
Many countries need to boost adaptation measures to weather the devastating impacts of climate change, warns a landmark UNEP report. It finds that by 2030, developing nations may need to spend $300 billion annually to grapple with global warming.
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Inside the crusade to map every coral reef on Earth
Home to one-quarter of all marine species, coral reefs are being decimated by climate change. Now, scientists are using satellite imagery to chart – and save – these underwater realms.
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Environmental Rights
In the fight against climate change, courts have become the new battleground
A “tidal wave” of lawsuits is forcing governments and businesses around the world to reduce carbon emissions – and in some cases leave oil in the ground.
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Environmental Award
Nominations open for Champions of the Earth
The UN's highest environmental honour recognizes leaders from government, civil society and the private sector whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment. Nominations for the 2021 cycle are now open.
Nominate a Champion
Climate Change
Restart 2021: how can we rise to the challenge?
2021 must be a year of synergy and solidarity to deliver on the Paris Agreement, Rio conventions and other global environmental commitments, said Inger Andersen, calling for ‘inclusive multilateralism’.
Read more
UNEP in the news
Governments urged to use COVID-19 stimulus to adapt to climate threats (Reuters)

‘There is no vaccine for climate change,’ U.N. environment chief says (Mongabay)


UN film and game for teens focuses on protecting ozone layer (Associated Press)


Climate litigation spikes, giving courts an ‘essential role’ in addressing climate crisis (Saudi Gazette)


Opinion: We are close to the point of no return (DW)

A Guide to Coral Reef Restoration
Climate change has already laid waste to half of the world’s coral reefs. This study examines how to preserve what remains of these underwater ecosystems, which are home to one-quarter of marine life.
Adaptation Gap Report 2020
As global temperatures rise, countries must rapidly step up their efforts to adapt to climate change or face the prospect of massive social and economic losses, warns this seminal report.
More publications
12-13, 18-20 February
Global Youth Environment Assembly
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17 February
The Untold Story of the World’s leading Environmental Institution: UNEP at Fifty
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22-26 February
Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly
Online/Nairobi, Kenya
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25 February
Connecting sustainable energy businesses with education
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See UNEP Job opportunities
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UN Environment Programme, 2021
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UN Environment Programme · United Nations Environment Programme - United Nations Avenue, Gigiri · P O Box 30552 · Nairobi 00100 · Kenya

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2021 2:51 PM
Subject: Climate change court cases rise, the adaptation gap and more


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