*[Enwl-eng] These countries just banned live animal exports. Others must follow!

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Dec 16, 2020, 6:41:55 AM12/16/20
to "ENWL-uni"

Shipping animals like cargo just to be slaughtered upon arrival is utterly cruel. Tell the EU to ban live animal exports!
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British leaders just took an unprecedented step: they chose to ban the export of live farm animals from England and Wales for slaughter abroad. They have now become the only two countries in all of Europe to put animal welfare first in this way, and also two of the only countries in the entire world to pass such a measure. Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) has been considering similar legislation for years, but has yet to actually implement any such ban. It's time for the EU to show that it cares about animals as well!

Live animal exports are far more gruesome than the benign term suggests. Livestock forced through these journeys endure beatings, being tied up or locked into tiny cages, and spending weeks in vessels with poor ventilation that reach extreme temperatures. Those animals that manage to survive are rewarded with a painful death at the slaughtering house. Members of the British government say their intention is to "strengthen the UK's position as a world leader on animal welfare." Now the EU must follow suit. Tell EU leaders to immediately pass and implement a ban on live animal exports!

Thank you for all that you do,


Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team


P.S. Britain's new regulations are a huge step towards more humane farming practices, and they must be replicated elsewhere. Demand that the European Union ban all exporting of live farm animals!

Care2.com, Inc.
203 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 230
Redwood City, CA 94065
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 8:02 PM
Subject: These countries just banned live animal exports. Others must follow!

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