Dear NGO colleague,
I hope this email finds you well. I am emailing you on behalf of the #RestoreNature coalition.
I am contacting you as we have been campaigning for a greener planet in the past and felt that your organisation might be interested in collaborating again for an important nature cause.
As you might know, the European People's Party (EPP) - which consists of politicians from centre-right and right-wing parties - has decided to completely reject the Nature Restoration Law. We have only two months left to win over the votes we need to make this law a reality – the adoption of this law is not a given. Sharing the email tool is crucial to show decision-makers that citizens really care.
This law really is a unique opportunity for nature in Europe, and we need to join forces to make it a reality. Together, we can make a change and let citizens be heard.
Here is how you can help:
Install the widget on your own website (it is available in all EU languages) (Concept note of how the email tool works + Request your widget). We noticed that you have not requested or activated the tool on your website: we encourage you to do so!
Alternatively: Promote our general website and urge citizens to contact their decision-makers through the tool.
Share any materials you can (adapt as you see fit) to counteract the anti-voices – we need you! We have plenty of communications material available on our shared drive and you can probably find it already translated by other NGOs in your country that are participating in the action.
Most importantly, we are asking you to send out send out 2 targeted emails (= only on 1 topic) to your supporters between now and mid-June. This is super important as it is the most effective way to promote the tool.
We have created three template emails, ready for you in this folder:
In these documents you will find links to Canva (visual) and Mailchimp (email) templates. Feel free to share them as they are or adapt and translate to your own language!
Email template 1 – Supporters-general email
Email template 2 – Nature Restoration Law under attack
Email template 3 – For internal network (more technical)
Our next #RestoreNature campaign meeting will take place on the 31st of May at 16:00-17:30 CET – see attached/below for the invite. We hope to see you there.
If you want to be kept updated, please register here for the #RestoreNature mailing list!
We are at your disposal if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
on behalf of the #RestoreNature coalition
Liesbeth VAN DEN BOSSCHE (she/her) | EU Campaign Manager | WWF European Policy Office | 123 Rue du Commerce, 1000 Brussels, Belgium | EU Transparency Register Nr: 1414929419-24 | | + 32 477 81 10 20 | | @L_VdBossche | Sign-up to the WWF EU monthly newsletter
It’s time to restore nature in Europe. Take action!