*[Enwl-eng] Squirrels get new six hectar park

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May 10, 2013, 1:49:53 PM5/10/13
to "ENWL-uni"
publication: 10.05.2013 10:20
keywords: Animals / building / Vienna

Squirrels get new six hectar park
A new park is to be built in Vienna to attract squirrels away from their

Vienna (pte008/10.05.2013/10:20) - Vienna city council's environmental
department has designed a whole new park near the Heeresspital in Florisdorf
in an attempt to attract squirrels away from their home to allow the
building of 950 council flats.

The new park which is located nearby measures six hectares. Its wide range
of flowers and herbs should encourage a least half of the 170 protected
animals to move by their own account. The other half would then have to be
forced to move with light pressure.

It is not clear just how accurate these estimations will be, however, the
works on the plot of land which is currently home to the squirrels will not
begin until every animal has found its way to the new park.

Karin Büchl-Krammerstätter of the environmental department said: "There is
no permission to start the building work until the squirrels have willingly
moved across to the new plot of land."

Around 18 million Euros have been invested in the council housing project so
far, but it is not yet clear how much the squirrel-park will cost. Builders
hope to be able to start working in 2015.

Ground squirrels (spermophilus) are a very well protected species across the
whole of Europe.

In Vienna, the animals have populated very precise areas, such as
Florisdorf, the Bisamberg and the Heeresspital in the Donaustadt district
and the Goldberg in the south of Vienna.

According to a city council survey, 170 ground squirrels and 50 Great
Hamsters of Alsace live on the plot of land to the north of the

A further 500 ground squirrels are said to be living directly in the
Heeresspital area and the fallow land between the hospital and the Marchfeld

The population of squirrels is indeed being described by experts as
considerable but not exceptional.

emitter: pressetext / newsfox
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e-mail: lei...@newsfox.com
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From: "pressetext (pte)" <sys...@mailout.pressetext.com>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:22 PM
Subject: Squirrels get new six hectar park

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