*[Enwl-eng] HIV medication should be widely available

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2022年12月2日 11:06:462022/12/2
收件人 "ENWL-uni"

The world is waiting for access.

Care2 Petitions Logo
A white man with shoulder-length hair holding up a red ribbon symbolizing HIV/AIDS awareness

AIDS Could Be Eliminated Worldwide, but the Medication Rollout Is Too Slow


HIV is treatable, but millions are still dying from it. The manufacturer of the lifesaving injectable HIV medication promised to make it accessible -- but the world is still waiting. 


Sign the petition to demand ViiV Healthcare make its HIV medication accessible to all!


Since the pandemic, progress in HIV prevention and treatment has stagnated. In honor of World AIDS Day, ViiV Healthcare must take action and make its HIV medication accessible to all! Sign the petition to demand action!

Photo of a woman with brown hair holding a dog

Thank you,


Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. In honor of World AIDS Day, ViiV Healthcare must take action and make it's HIV medication accessible to all! Demand action!

Care2.com, Inc.
3141 Stevens Creek Blvd. #40394
San Jose, CA 95117
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2022 8:01 PM
Subject: HIV medication should be widely available

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