*[Enwl-eng] [wildlife-climate] Fwd: [Holobionts] Trophic Rewilding

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Apr 6, 2023, 7:40:11 PM4/6/23
to "ENWL-uni"
Разрабатываются естественные климатические решения для предотвращения потепления климата путем защиты и усиления улавливания и накопления углерода растениями, почвами и отложениями в экосистемах. Эти решения рассматриваются как имеющие дополнительное преимущество в защите мест обитания и ландшафтов для сохранения видового разнообразия животных. Однако это рассуждение недооценивает роль животных в контроле углеродного цикла. Мы представляем научные данные, свидетельствующие о том, что защита и восстановление диких животных и их функциональных ролей могут улучшить улавливание и хранение природного углерода. Мы призываем к новому мышлению, включающему восстановление и сохранение диких животных и их роли в экосистемах в качестве ключевого компонента естественных климатических решений, которые могут повысить способность предотвращать потепление климата выше 1,5°C.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
От: Ugo Bardi <prudent...@gmail.com>
Date: вт, 4 апр. 2023 г. в 20:17
Subject: [Holobionts] Trophic Rewilding
0You may have already seen this paper just appeared on "Nature."


It is an assessment of the role of the trophic chains on climate. It has been described as a "landmark paper" and under several respects it is. It is part of a general movement for rewilding, and there is even a "Global Rewilding Alliance at


Overall, the concept is good and welcome, because it provides an alternative to the multiple bizarre ideas that have been proposed as "solutions" for the climate change problem, including cutting Northern Forests to increase Earth's albedo.

On the other hand, it is still a subject in its infancy. The authors haven't realized that there is not just carbon sequestration at play in this game, and they miss the dynamic effects of forests on the hydrological cycle (the kind of effects studied by Gorshkov and Makarieva). But I think that it could be possible to merge these concept in a single one. In both case, the idea is to restore the ecosystem to its maximum trophic potential.

A deeper problem lies in understanding why exactly trophic chains have the effects claimed in the paper. If they do. Among other things, the "Trophic Rewilding" idea is criticized by Anastassia Makarieva who maintains that large animals damage the ecosystem, whereas the proponents say it is the opposite. Complicated story -- I confess that I am a little lost in it. What I can see is that these trophic chains are holobionts in the sense that they operate on the win-win principle; every element of the chain benefits from the other elements.

In any case there is something deep, here, which I don't think has been explained in the details -- at least as far as I know. The higher complexity of long and networked trophic chain must be appearing in form of decreasing entropy of the system in terms of the Kullback-Leiber divergence, that is the difference in entropy between networked and less-networked systems. I think it is related to Tononi's Integrated Information Theory, but Tononi's ideas are expressed in terms of discrete states, whereas holobionts work in terms of continuous energy levels. It is a complicated story, but maybe someone in the list knows more than me in this field?

Ugo Bardi
Onward, Fellow Holobionts!

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Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2023 9:27 PM
Subject: [wildlife-climate] Fwd: [Holobionts] Trophic Rewilding


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