*[Enwl-eng] Global emissions hit new high, COVID-19’s impact on the environment, and more

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Dec 22, 2020, 10:14:02 AM12/22/20
to "ENWL-uni"
Year in review
Your guide to the top environmental stories December 2020
This month, we look at a chilling United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) study on greenhouse gas emissions and cast our gaze back on the top environmental stories of 2020. Teaser: the news wasn’t all bad.
Climate Change
Pandemic does little to stem greenhouse gas emissions: new report
Despite a dip in carbon dioxide emissions caused by COVID-19, the planet remains on pace for catastrophic warming, warns a new study from UNEP. But the 2020 Emissions Gap Report also finds reason for hope. If the world embraces a “green” recovery from the pandemic, it can avoid the worst consequences of climate change, it says.
Environmental Crusaders
These 13 “Champions” are fighting for the future of the planet

UNEP has named a cadre of activists, scientists and entrepreneurs as its 2020 Champions of the Earth and Young Champions of the Earth. The awards are the institution’s highest environmental honours. Laureates include a pioneer in the battle against environmental racism and an inventor who is turning plastic waste into paving stones.

Looking Back
These are the stories that made headlines in 2020
Pandemic brings a year of desperation and, eventually, hope
The emergence of COVID-19 sparked an unprecedented global health emergency and threatened everything from food supplies to mountain gorillas. As countries raced to contain the novel coronavirus, a landmark UNEP report on zoonotic diseases examined its origins and warned that without dramatic changes, pandemics will become increasingly common. Late in the year, the rollout of vaccines brought hope – and possible investments in global cold chain facilities.
Air Pollution
Battle rages against another silent killer, air pollution
While COVID-19 dominated headlines, the campaign against air pollution, which kills about 7 million people annually, continued as UNEP launched the first annual International Day of Clean Air for blue skies. Meanwhile, several African states imposed stricter regulations on the trade in heavily polluting used vehicles, which a major UNEP report found were being foisted on the developing world, and activists in Latin America worked to close some of the region’s most toxic dumps.
Ecosystem Restoration
The drive to mend the planet takes centre stage
From the mountains of El Salvador to the forests of Madagascar, scientists and locals partnered in 2020 to revive ecosystems lost to development and, in some cases, disaster. The work comes on the eve of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a global push to reverse the rapid decline of natural spaces, and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development.
Despite COVID-19, the world keeps its gaze on the environment
The pandemic may have scotched in-person gatherings, but netizens turned out in force to celebrate the planet in 2020, feting a landmark World Environment Day. Meanwhile, the video game industry threw its weight behind the push to protect nature and biodiversity took centre stage at the United Nations General Assembly.
UNEP in the news
Climate Change
Humanity is waging a “suicidal” war with nature, warns the UN’s Secretary-General.
The biodiversity crisis is a development crisis, writes UNEP Executive Director
Human activity raises risk of more pandemics like Covid-19, warns UN report
Air Pollution
The export of older, dirtier cars has become a major pollution problem.
Early 2021
18 - 19 January
Forum of Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean
22 - 26 February
First part of the 5th Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly
Nairobi, Kenya
See UNEP Job opportunities
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UN Environment Programme, 2020
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Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 11:54 AM
Subject: Global emissions hit new high, COVID-19’s impact on the environment, and more

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