*[Enwl-eng] Bee hotels could be the answer to declining bee populations!

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May 19, 2021, 12:43:58 PM5/19/21
to "ENWL-uni"
The Netherlands is leading the way in urban bee conservation. Tell the U.S. to follow suit!
Sign Now

No one works harder than the mighty bee. Made up of nearly 20,000 distinct species, the global bee population makes up a huge percentage of pollinators who are responsible for supporting the reproduction of almost 90% of all flowering plants, and nearly 70% of crops. That's why the global bee decline in recent decades is so concerning — experts estimate that as much as 25% of bee species have disappeared since the 1990s! Human development like urbanization and industrial farming are responsible for a ton of lost plant and animal life — degradation of habitats, loss of food sources, and proximity to humans and industry, pesticides, and pollution have taken a huge toll on biodiversity.

But for bees and other pollinators, at least, we have ways to make our human-dominated environments much more hospitable. The Netherlands, for example, just performed a bee census in many of its cities after extensive conservation work, and the findings were encouraging: year over year, bee populations have remained steady in urban areas! This is the result of storybook-sounding initiatives — 'bee hotels,' which are hollow logs and stems that are set up as the perfect nesting spot; 'bee stops,' or bus stops covered with native plants for bees to feast on; and the Honey Highway initiative, which is turning underused spaces like those next to roads and railways into fields of bee-sustaining wildflowers.

There's a reason the Netherlands has been taking bee conservation so seriously. Pollinators are responsible for facilitating reproduction of many of the world's crops, and the Netherlands is the second largest global exporter of agricultural goods. As the number one exporter, the United States must also get serious about keeping urban bee populations diverse, healthy, and around for the long term. Sign the petition if you want to see Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City create bee supporting initiatives like bee hotels, bee stops, and honey highways!

Thank you,


The Care2 Petitions Team


P.S. The Netherlands is finding ways to make urban landscapes more hospitable for declining bee populations. Sign the petition asking the U.S. to do the same!

Care2.com, Inc.
203 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 230
Redwood City, CA 94065

Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 11:20 AM
Subject: Bee hotels could be the answer to declining bee populations!


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