Hey, we really need your help. We'd like your local
environmentalist groups, clubs, activists, professors,
and teachers to know that we're offering an
in-depth online course on a major factor in climate and
environmental destruction that is often
overlooked. Can you please share this email with
who wants to learn more or sign up can just click here
before the course fills up.
Grounded in research on peace and
ecological security, this course focusses on the
relationship between two existential threats: war and
environmental catastrophe. We will cover:
• Where wars happen and why.
• What wars do to
the earth.
• What imperial militaries do to the
earth back home.
• What nuclear weapons have done
and could do to people and the planet.
• How this
horror is hidden and maintained.
• What can be done.
This is much more than a simple webinar. This
is a thorough education gained over a six-week period.
You can reserve a spot in our upcoming online course on
War and the Environment, planned for June 7 to July
here to learn more, watch a video about the course, and
This course is 100% online and interactions
are not live or scheduled, so you can take part whenever
works for you. Weekly content includes a mix of
text, images, video, and audio. Instructors and students
utilize online discussion forums to go over each week's
content, as well as to provide feedback on optional
assignment submissions.
The course also
includes three 1-hour optional zoom calls which
are designed to facilitate a more interactive and
real-time learning experience.
Education Director Phill Gittins and
other World BEYOND War staff, board members, and
partners will be online throughout the six weeks helping
to facilitate along with eight outstanding guest
facilitators from around the
How much time you spend and how deeply you engage is
up to you. At a minimum, you can expect to spend between
1-2 hours a week if you only review the weekly content
(text and videos). We hope, however, you’ll want to
engage in the online dialogue with peers and experts.
This is where the real richness of the learning occurs,
where we have the opportunity to explore new ideas,
strategies, and visions for building a more peaceful
world. Depending on your level of engagement with the
online discussion you can expect to add another 1-3
hours a week. Finally, all participants are encouraged
to complete optional assignments (required to earn a
certificate). This is an opportunity to deepen and apply
the ideas explored each week to practical possibilities.
Expect another 2 hours a week if you pursue these
Accessing the course. Prior to the
start date, you will be sent instructions for how to
access the course.
Earn a certificate.
To earn a certificate, participants must also
complete optional weekly written assignments.
Instructors will return the assignment to the student
with detailed feedback. Submissions and feedback can be
shared with everyone taking the course or kept private
between a student and the instructor, at the student’s
choice. Submissions must be completed by the conclusion
of the course.
The cost of the
course is the same for someone completing all,
some, or none of the assignments: $100 (Pay less if you
have to, more if you can.)
There will be a limit of 150 tickets sold for
this course.
Questions? Contact: ph...@worldbeyondwar.org
To register by check, 1. Email Phill
and tell him. 2. Make the check out to World BEYOND
War/AFGJ and send it to World BEYOND War 513 E Main St
#1484 Charlottesville VA 22902 USA
BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters,
and affiliated organizations advocating for the
abolition of the institution of war.
to support our people-powered movement for peace.

to mobile updates. Manage
email preferences. Privacy
Should giant war-profiteering
corporations decide what emails you don't want to read?
We don't think so either. So, please stop our emails
from going into "junk" or "spam" by "white listing,"
marking as "safe," or filtering to "never send to
World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 |
Charlottesville, VA 22902