*[Enwl-eng] Betrayal? Ecuador’s president wants to drill for oil in the Amazon rainforest

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Feb 12, 2024, 5:25:55 PM2/12/24
to "ENWL-uni"
Ecuador’s president wants to drill for oil in the Amazon rainforest, against the will of the people! Drilling was banned last year in a historic national referendum championed by Indigenous communities -- but the new president wants to keep the oil flowing. Allies across the Amazon have launched a fierce campaign to resist this dangerous reversal, but they need a global spotlight to amp up the pressure on President Noboa. Let’s stand with Ecuadorians to defend democracy and the rainforest -- add your name now: It was a stunning victory: 59% of Ecuadorians voted to ban fossil fuel drilling in the super-biodiverse Yasuní National Park last August.But less than six months later, Ecuador's new president wants to carry on with drilling anyway!Indigenous leaders and allies in Ecuador are mobilizing like crazy to ensure Ecuador's democracy and rainforest are protected -- and they need us to show President Noboa and other Amazon leaders that drilling against the will of the people will unleash a powerful global backlash.Add your name now to stand with the Ecuadorian people and demand a permanent end to drilling in the Amazon!
Ecuador’s president wants to drill for oil in the Amazon rainforest, against the will of the people! Drilling was banned last year in a historic national referendum championed by Indigenous communities -- but the new president wants to keep the oil flowing. Allies across the Amazon have launched a fierce campaign to resist this dangerous reversal, but they need a global spotlight to amp up the pressure on President Noboa. Let’s stand with Ecuadorians to defend democracy and the rainforest -- add your name now:
Dear friends,
It was a stunning victory: 59% of Ecuadorians voted to ban fossil fuel drilling in the super-biodiverse Yasuní National Park last August.

But less than six months later, Ecuador's new president wants to carry on with drilling anyway!

Indigenous leaders and allies in Ecuador are mobilizing like crazy to ensure Ecuador's democracy and rainforest are protected -- and they need us to show President Noboa and other Amazon leaders that drilling against the will of the people will unleash a powerful global backlash.

Add your name now to stand with the Ecuadorian people and demand a permanent end to drilling in the Amazon!
Indigenous peoples fought for more than a decade to secure a historic referendum on drilling in the Yasuní National Park, one of the most biodiverse areas on Earth -- where oil spills have harmed Indigenous communities and the surrounding forest.

But President Noboa of Ecuador wants to delay the implementation of the ban and keep pumping oil to fund a war against drug gangs.

He is not alone - from Ecuador to Brazil and Peru, leaders are breaking promises and opening up the Amazon to oil, toxic mining and mega-farming that degrades the land.

This must stop.

If President Noboa goes ahead, it could push Ecuador into a spiral o distrust and propel the rainforest over its tipping point, threatening hard-won environmental victories everywhere -- and signaling to other leaders in the region that they can greenlight the Amazon’s destruction.

That’s where we come in: our voices can shine a global spotlight on President Noboa’s betrayal and amp up the pressure to comply with the results of the referendum. Sign now and share with a few friends to spread the word:
The Amazon is a delicate ecosystem -- without it, we can't stop climate change. Avaaz members have stepped up again and again to defend the forest and support the Indigenous groups protecting their ancestral homelands. We’ve raised the alarm on Indigenous land rights in Brazil, supported efforts to protect Peru’s uncontacted peoples, and spoken out against attacks on the Yanomami in the last year alone. Together, we can turn the tide towards a livable climate and a thriving Amazon.

Liliana, Diego, Pascal, Miguel, Antonia and the entire Avaaz team

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27 Union Square West
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Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2024 9:15 AM
Subject: Betrayal?

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