*[Enwl-eng] World leaders plead for pandemic cooperation at UNGA

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Sep 26, 2020, 11:30:22 PM9/26/20
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September 25, 2020
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Leaders from around the world used their virtual addresses to the United Nations General Assembly as an opportunity to plead for global cooperation on developing and distributing a coronavirus vaccine. World Health Organization Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said virus misinformation is hampering response efforts, while UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the pandemic a "clear test of international cooperation -- a test we have essentially failed."
Full Story: The Associated Press (9/24),  Daily Sabah (Turkey)/Agence France-Presse (9/23),  Reuters (9/24) 
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United Nations
Pandemic-related closures and restrictions have wiped out $3.5 trillion in earnings, mostly in the Americas and developing countries that lack the ability to deploy government supports for unemployed workers, the International Labor Organization reports. A United Nations Development Programme representative says refugees are among the first to lose their jobs in a crisis, and urges governments to include them in recovery plans.
Full Story: The Guardian (London) (9/23),  Anadolu Agency (Turkey) (9/25) 
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Health & Development
Several countries in the northern hemisphere are struggling to procure an adequate supply of flu vaccines as they face increased demand ahead of a pandemic winter. The World Health Organization says countries facing shortages should prioritize flu vaccines for health care workers, the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions and children.
Full Story: Reuters (9/25) 
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Women & Girls
Power-sharing talks between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan have so far not included details on what rights women would retain under partial Taliban control, Adela Raz, the country's first female ambassador to the United Nations, said this week. "This is a concern not only for Afghanistan, but for the international community who invested heavily in empowerment of the Afghan women," Raz said.
Full Story: Reuters (9/23) 
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Climate and Energy
The United Nations and the UK will host a virtual climate summit to mark the fifth anniversary of the UN Paris Climate agreement on December 12. The UN is urging countries to submit new climate action commitments and calling on major emitters to honor plans they have announced.
Full Story: Climate Home News (9/24),  Reuters (9/24) 
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Peacekeeping and Security
Military officials who seized control of Mali last month should release the government officials that have been detained since the coup, says Alioune Tine, UN independent expert on human rights in Mali. "I am extremely concerned by the fact that those arrested by the coup leaders have been arbitrarily deprived of their liberty for more than a month," Tine said.
Full Story: The Associated Press (9/23) 
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UN News
Highlights from the United Nations Department of Global Communications
UN Secretary-General's remarks to High-level Roundtable on Climate Ambition
Full Story: UN News (9/24) 
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Commentary and coverage on the UN and UN-related issues
"Several New Polls Probe American and Global Attitudes Towards the United Nations"
Full Story: UN Dispatch (9/24) 
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From: UN Wire
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 11:31 PM
Subject: World leaders plead for pandemic cooperation at UNGA
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