*[Enwl-eng] New Online Course: War and the Environment -- Reserve your spot

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Jun 18, 2020, 1:43:34 PM6/18/20
to "ENWL-uni"

Grounded in research on peace and ecological security, this course focusses on the relationship between two existential threats: war and environmental catastrophe. We will cover:

• Where wars happen and why.
• What wars do to the earth.
• What imperial militaries do to the earth back home.
• What nuclear weapons have done and could do to people and the planet.
• How this horror Is hidden and maintained.
• What can be done.

This course is 100% online and interactions are not live or scheduled, so you can take part whenever works for you. Weekly content includes a mix of text, images, video, and audio. Instructors and students utilize online discussion forums to go over each week's content, as well as to provide feedback on optional assignment submissions.

The course also includes three 1-hour optional zoom calls which are designed to facilitate a more interactive and real-time learning experience.

Instructors will include:

• Prominent environmental engineer and Professor of Environmental Health: Patricia Hynes (retired).
• Expert disarmament professional: Ray Acheson with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
• Noted activist, writer, and therapist: Caroline Davies with Extinction Rebellion.
• Distinguished researcher-practitioner: Lindsay Koshgarian with the National Priorities Project.
• World BEYOND War Education Director: Phill Gittins.
• World BEYOND War Co-Founder and Executive Director: David Swanson.

More instructors are still being added.

Time commitment/expectations: How much time you spend and how deeply you engage is up to you. At a minimum, you can expect to spend between 1-2 hours a week if you only review the weekly content (text and videos). We hope, however, you’ll want to engage in the online dialogue with peers and experts. This is where the real richness of the learning occurs, where we have the opportunity to explore new ideas, strategies, and visions for building a more peaceful world. Depending on your level of engagement with the online discussion you can expect to add another 1-3 hours a week. Finally, all participants are encouraged to complete optional assignments (required to earn a certificate). This is an opportunity to deepen and apply the ideas explored each week to practical possibilities. Expect another 2 hours a week if you pursue these options.

Accessing the course. Prior to the start date, you will be sent instructions for how to access the course.

Earn a certificate. To earn a certificate, participants must also complete optional weekly written assignments. Instructors will return the assignment to the student with detailed feedback. Submissions and feedback can be shared with everyone taking the course or kept private between a student and the instructor, at the student’s choice. Submissions must be completed by the conclusion of the course.

The cost of the course is the same for someone completing all, some, or none of the assignments.

Questions? Contact: ph...@worldbeyondwar.org

To register by check,

1. Email Phill and tell him. 2. Make the check out to World BEYOND War/AFGJ and send it to World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville VA 22902 USA.

Course fee: $100 (Pay less if you have to, more if you can.) There will be a limit of 125 tickets sold for this course.

Register online by clicking here.

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement – support our work for a culture of peace.

Opt-in for important, timely mobile messages.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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Checks must be made out to "World BEYOND War / AFGJ" or we can't deposit them.

Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 8:01 PM
Subject: New Online Course: War and the Environment -- Reserve your spot


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