*[Enwl-eng] Officials highlight link between conflict and hunger

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Mar 14, 2021, 5:10:10 PM3/14/21
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OHCHR seeks action as Syria conflict reaches 10-year mark | Coalition of 16 countries and Palestine forms against unilateralism | Pandemic has reversed progress for children worldwide
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March 12, 2021
UN Wire UN Wire
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Around 34 million people living in regions of conflict and instability are facing famine this year, a situation that will only drive greater conflicts in crisis zones like Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Syria, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told UN Security Council members at a meeting on hunger and insecurity this week. Conflict and instability left more than 88 million people facing acute hunger at the end of 2020 -- a 20% increase over the previous year, said World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley.
Full Story: Voice of America (3/11),  The Gulf Today (United Arab Emirates) (3/12) 
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United Nations
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet this week urged countries to accelerate trials of individuals accused of war crimes in Syria as the conflict in the country reached the 10-year mark. "It is impossible to fully fathom the extent of the devastation in Syria, but its people have endured some of the greatest crimes the world has witnessed this century," says UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who asserts a state of "living nightmare" persists in the country.
Full Story: Reuters (3/11),  Voice of America (3/10) 
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Health & Development
School closures caused by the coronavirus have affected 247 million children around the world, setting back progress toward education goals and increasing the threats of abuse, depression, child marriage, poverty and hunger, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said as the world marked the first year since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. The pandemic has also reversed progress made toward ending child labor -- a situation that must be addressed, say United Nations Resident Coordinator in Turkey Alvaro Rodriguez and Numan Ozcan of the International Labour Organization.
Full Story: Daily Sabah (Turkey)/Agence France-Presse (3/11),  The Times of India (3/12),  Anadolu Agency (Turkey) (3/12) 
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Women & Girls
The world is still 130 years away from achieving gender parity at the highest levels of political leadership if current trends continue, a report from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says. Guterres has pledged to promote gender equality at the UN and has achieved an equal ratio of men and women among senior leadership, but a woman is yet to hold the position of Secretary-General.
Full Story: Inter Press Service (3/12) 
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Climate and Energy
Only 18% of the $14.6 trillion the world's 50 largest economies have allocated to pandemic recovery efforts are going toward sustainable projects such as greening efforts, low carbon energy projects and environmentally friendly transportation infrastructure, a report from the United Nations Environment Programme and the Oxford University Economic Recovery Project says. "Humanity is facing a pandemic, an economic crisis, and an ecological breakdown -- we can't afford to lose on any front," says UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen.
Full Story: The Guardian (London) (free registration) (3/10),  Down To Earth (3/12) 
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Peacekeeping and Security
There is growing evidence that military forces in Myanmar are committing crimes against humanity, using violence against citizens on the streets and in their homes, detaining hundreds and reportedly killing at least 70 people, says United Nations rights expert Thomas Andrews. The UN Security Council on Wednesday condemned the violence in the country, voicing concern over arbitrary restrictions and detentions and urging respect for democratic institutions and processes.
Full Story: The Associated Press (3/11),  Asian News International (India) (3/11) 
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UN News
Highlights from the United Nations Department of Global Communications
You can't just walk in and start taking pictures: War photographer on Yemen crisis
Full Story: UN News (3/12) 
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UN Dispatch
Commentary and coverage on the UN and UN-related issues
"Inside the Drive to Create a 'Global Fund' for Public Interest Journalism"
Full Story: UN Dispatch (3/11) 
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Quote of the Day
We will not be able to face today's challenges if we continue to exclude large portions of the population from leadership and decision-making. We need equality of opportunity and equal rights for all.


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From: UN Wire
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2021 12:45 AM
Subject: Officials highlight link between conflict and hunger

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