*[Enwl-eng] [cenn] Embracing Tsalka - Georgia's Most Hidden Treasure

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Nov 9, 2020, 5:03:22 PM11/9/20
to "ENWL-uni"


 Embracing Tsalka – Georgia’s Most Hidden Treasure 

Extinct volcanic plateaus, piercing canyons, several lakes, and ancient petroglyphs, make up surreal landscapes of Tsalka municipality. And to inspire your travels to this almost hidden gem of the country, Red Fedora Diary – Travel Blog compiled some of the most astonishing sights for you to see in Tsalka and its neighboring towns.


However, before we go into details of the Tsalka travel guide, it’s important to understand the area’s culture and history. Bordering Armenia and Turkey, this southern region of Georgia is the most diverse area in terms of population and nature. Ethnic minorities of Greeks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, and Russians make up the population here. The Georgian ethnic group consists of eco-migrants from Adjara and Svaneti regions, giving a visitor the possibility to experience the cultures of all these groups in one place.


With harsh weather climate, lack of infrastructure, limited public transportation, and social institutions, the majority of villages of the area seem almost abandoned by the rest of the country. Population decreases each year, while youngsters flock to the capital and stay there. Cold winters and relatively long warm seasons are typical to this area, with the average temperature being 16 C in July and -4.8 C in January. However, in even higher elevation villages, summers are short and cool, while winters are very cold and long. Therefore, the best time to visit Tsalka and its neighboring regions in June and July.


The main income source for most families is agriculture. The soil here is rich in nutrients, especially nitrogen, making lands here very fertile. The primary activity of farmers here is potato growing, followed by grains such as wheat, barley, beans, oats, corn, and peas. Livestock and bee-keeping are also sources of income for some families.


To explore Tsalka see the Travel Blog that was inspired within the EU ENPARD supported Media tour organized by CENN in Tsalka municipality.




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From: Info CENN
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2020 1:47 PM
Subject: [cenn] Embracing Tsalka - Georgia's Most Hidden Treasure











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