*[Enwl-eng] Preventing the next pandemic, critical climate data dashboard and more

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Apr 29, 2021, 3:32:30 PM4/29/21
to "ENWL-uni"
April 2021
Your guide to the top environmental stories of the month
In this month’s issue we look at how you can help restore the planet’s ecosystems, the latest data on the climate crisis, and new guidelines for animal markets designed to prevent the next pandemic.
Ecosystems & Biodiversity
Launch of new financial alliance for net zero emissions
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero unites net zero finance initiatives into one sector-wide forum. Alongside, UNEP FI is bringing together 43 banks to form the Net-Zero Banking Alliance.
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Ecosystems & Biodiversity
New guidelines aim to prevent future pandemics
UNEP conservation expert Julian Blanc talks about recently released guidelines on the sale of live mammals at food markets.
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Ecosystems & Biodiversity
Your guide to restoring nature
In lead up to World Environment Day, UNEP and partners have launched a practical guide to restoring ecosystems. It provides tips to individuals, communities, businesses and governments on how to revive ecosystems.
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Climate change
How is the world faring in addressing the climate emergency?
With the world on the brink of catastrophic warming, a new widget from UNEP provides current data on climate and progress made to tackle the crisis.
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The Flipflopi, a boat made from recycled plastic, completes voyage across Lake Victoria
During the month-long journey, the crew of the 10-metre-long vessel endured gusting winds and torrential rain as they campaigned against plastic pollution.
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Republic of Korea turns to robots in high-tech campaign against smog
The country’s capital region is hoping to be an example for other Asian metropolises plagued by air pollution.
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UNEP in the news
Our best shot to slow climate change now: Cut methane (The Hill)
Halting the vast release of methane is critical for climate, U.N. says (The New York Times)
WHO urges halt to sale of live wild animals in food markets (Al Jazeera)
Despite consensus, plastic continues to pile up (Bangkok Post)
Leading finance firms sign up to Mark Carney forum on low-carbon investment (The Guardian)
Are we building back better?
This report analyzes more than 3,500 stimulus policies enacted in the wake of COVID-19 and finds countries aren’t doing enough to foster an environmentally friendly recovery from the pandemic.
Sanitation, wastewater management and sustainability
The second edition of this study examines how the improved management of wastewater can benefit both humans and the environment.
More publications
3 May
Restoring the planet – Faith drives urgent action
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4 May
From data to action – The International Methane Emissions Observatory
Online event
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20 May
World Bee Day 2021
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22 May
Biodiversity Day 2021
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Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 1:15 PM
Subject: Preventing the next pandemic, critical climate data dashboard and more


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