Together, we convinced some European politicians to back a greener recovery plan from coronavirus - one that didn’t include fossil fuels. But now there’s a crucial vote, and we need to tell MEPs to ignore powerful lobbyists and protect our climate. |
What an INCREDIBLE result! When we started our campaign to make sure dirty fossil fuel companies didn’t get money from the corona recovery funding, we weren’t sure it would work.
But tens of thousands of us sent emails and tweets to our Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), and at the environment committee, they voted to keep fossil fuels out of the rescue plan.
The result is about more than just a committee vote. It’s proof that when Europeans work together to tell our politicians to do the right thing, we can build a better Europe for future generations.
Now it’s time for the next step. Another vital committee meets this week. Having lost the first vote the fossil fuel lobby will be doing everything they can to influence this one, so more than ever, we need to tell these MEPs to stand strong and back a clean, green recovery plan too.
We’ve put together a powerful video, that sends our message straight to MEPs before the vote. If thousands of us share it on Twitter, it will show MEPs that we’re watching how they vote this week.
Most MEPs know that breathing clean air and protecting our environment for future generations is more important than stopping fossil fuels companies from missing out on profit. But each day, they get messages from professional coal and oil lobbyists who put them under huge pressure to back their industry.
It’s hard for MEPs to stand up to that kind of pressure. But we all know it’s easier to stand up to bullies when you know you’ve got plenty of other people on your side. That’s why we need to work together to let those MEPs know: if you do the right thing, you won’t be on your own - people all over Europe are backing your vote.
If we convince MEPs to back the vote, it won’t be the first time that WeMove members have worked together to push back against powerful corporate lobbyists - and succeeded. In the last vote, one vote made all the difference. Sometimes these decisions depend on a single person. We only have a few days left to convince a handful of MEPs - and it’s vital we keep fossil fuels off the table for the European recovery plan.
David (London), Alex (Marseille), Virginia (Madrid)
PS: Our fight will not stop there. In the coming weeks, our heads of state and government will also have to decide between a clean future or a return to business as usual. But if we don’t get MEPs on our side now, it will be almost impossible to convince our EU leaders. Take action now to free us from fossil fuels!
WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.
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