*[Enwl-eng] A daily dose of people power

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Oct 13, 2020, 5:08:38 PM10/13/20
to "ENWL-uni"



When’s the last time you helped to set the agenda of Europe’s top leaders? That’s what we’re hoping to pull off right now. WeMove Europe members are coming together to buy two days of ads in Politico -- a news outlet that decision makers in Brussels reads.

We’re stretching ourselves to reach the fundraising target of €17,850 to pay for these ads in just a week because we’re at a crucial tipping point. In the next few days, European leaders could decide to back a just, green recovery from coronavirus. Or they could opt for a plan that protects fossil fuel polluters while leaving behind ordinary Europeans.

By working together to pay for the ads now, we’ll send a clear message to our leaders: we’re watching the choices you make, and if you support polluting businesses instead of protecting our jobs and communities, we’ll remember when it’s election time.

Can you give what you can afford, to help pay for adverts this week in Politico, before the final decisions get made?

I’ll donate €4
I’ll donate €8
I’ll donate €12
I’ll surprise you

European politicians read Politico - not to mention their advisers, administrators and journalists - It’s an absolutely vital news source. Debates on the blog can influence huge decisions. That’s why we want to be part of the conversation with our ads this week -- we know we will be heard.

This is a crucial week. The last gathering of European heads of state happened in July, and there won’t be another until December. By then the essential decisions around the huge fund planned for coronavirus recovery planning will have been made. So this meeting - happening in a few days - is the one that really counts.

We want to be sure that as our leaders enter the meeting, they’re under no illusions about where their voters stand on economic recovery. There’s enough money on the table to transform Europe: the environment, our communities, and the lives of people facing hardship. Let’s make sure they know that’s how we’d like them to spend it - not on payouts to fossil fuel companies.

Can you help get our message into Politico this week?

I’ll donate €4
I’ll donate €8
I’ll donate €12
I’ll surprise you

We know that when WeMove members work together, we can push issues onto the agenda, and shape the ways our politicians act. With our Universal Basic Income campaign, we helped kick off a conversation that is vital for the future of Europe. When we clubbed together to buy billboards targeting the plastics lobby we got the attention of the Commission and won.

Now, we need to do the same on the corona recovery fund. Can you chip in, to help put our ads right under the noses of EU decision makers?

David (London), Olga (Bologna) and the entire WeMove Europe team


WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.

WeMove Europe SCE mbH | Planufer 91 Berlin | www.wemove.eu | Privacy policy

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2020 6:42 PM
Subject: A daily dose of people power

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