*[Enwl-eng] They commissioned hundreds of monkey torture videos for a global abuse ring

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Aug 21, 2024, 5:23:20 PM8/21/24
to "ENWL-uni"

Hundreds of people around the world paid to watch baby monkeys be sadistically tortured.

Care2 Petitions Logo
A baby monkey holds on to metal bars on a cage.

People in a Global 'Monkey Torture Enthusiasts' Network Commissioned Brutal Animal Sadism Videos


They called themselves "The Torture King" and "The Immolator," and they're two out of hundreds of people around the world who consider themselves "monkey torture enthusiasts."


*Warning: disturbing content follows.*

These torture enthusiasts belong to an international network of animal abusers who used chatroom apps to pay for and share videos of monkeys being tortured — often to death.

One man said the chatrooms had polls where people could vote for what they wanted to see in new videos. These included options like: "Do you want a hammer involved? Do you want pliers involved? Do you want a screwdriver?" If a person wanted to see a specific kind of torture inflicted on innocent monkeys — often babies — they could pay a small fee to commission someone in another country to perform whatever sick action they desired.

The results were videos that showed monkeys being viciously beaten, submerged in acid, sexually mutilated, and even burnt alive.

We only know about this because a team with the BBC went undercover for a year and brought this whole disgusting ring of criminals to light. The BBC's efforts led to authorities in multiple different countries investigating and arresting approximately 20 different individuals. People who have been charged so far lived in countries that included the U.S., the U.K., and Indonesia.

It's good that governments are taking these crimes seriously and holding some of the perpetrators accountable. But 20 people out of hundreds is simply not enough.

Nations around the world must continue the investigation that the BBC started, to identify and find every last person responsible in these horrific, sadistic acts of animal torture. Sign the petition now!


Photo of white woman with short 
dark hair.

Thank you,


Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. Governments around the world must hold these people accountable for their disturbing crimes against innocent animals. Sign the petition.

Care2.com, Inc.
3141 Stevens Creek Blvd. #40394
San Jose, CA 95117

Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 11:19 AM
Subject: They commissioned hundreds of monkey torture videos for a global abuse ring

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