*[Enwl-eng] Australia is abandoning animals to horrific fates on live export ships

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Jun 23, 2021, 9:27:53 AM6/23/21
to "ENWL-uni"
Australia pretended to care about live animals' welfare as they're exported for slaughter abroad. It was just a PR stunt.
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For the last several years, the Australian government has been conducting a PR stunt to try and convince the world that its policy of exporting live animals is actually humane. In 2018, officials created the "independent observer" program to ensure animals' welfare was maintained on all ships. Originally, the government required an observer to supervise every single journey in which live animals were exported to other countries. Within one year, regulations loosened significantly, and within another year, the program was paused entirely. Now it's been an entire year since any live export ship has left Australia with an observer on board, meaning for one whole year, care for the treatment of sheeps, cows, and horses was thrown to the wind.

The government explained away this change in policy by stating that independent observers were "non-essential" personnel during the COVID-19 lockdowns, as if animal protection were somehow not important. But these export journeys inflict tremendous cruelty, stress, abuse, and neglect on the poor beings involved.

In the past, animals have died from starvation, injury, freezing conditions, baking alive in horrible heat, and myriad other horrific ways. If they survive these floating deathtraps, the animals are then butchered to become dinner meats overseas. Independent observers were meant to prevent this type of cruelty, but the government has said the program won't resume until mid-2022 at the earliest. This means mistreatment, cruelty, and possibly death will continue for at least another agonizing year. Tell Australia's government: independent observers on live export transit ships are absolutely "essential" employees! The program to protect exported animals must be reimplemented now!

Thank you,


The Care2 Petitions Team


P.S. Broiling, freezing, and starving to death, livestock animals on export ships suffer horrific fates. The Australian government must protect these creatures now.

Care2.com, Inc.
3141 Stevens Creek Blvd. #40394
San Jose, CA 95117

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 7:02 PM
Subject: Australia is abandoning animals to horrific fates on live export ships


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