*[Enwl-eng] Microphones could save lives in road tunnels

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Mar 15, 2013, 2:34:39 PM3/15/13
to "ENWL-uni"
publication: 14.03.2013 18:37
keywords: Cars / Tunnel / Traffic / Cameras

Microphones could save lives in road tunnels
Microphones could be more effective than cameras in monitoring traffic

Vienna (pte022/14.03.2013/18:37) - Microphones could prove more effective
than cameras in monitoring traffic accidents in tunnels according to a new
survey by an Austrian research institute.

CCTV cameras are common in many road tunnels and in most cases operate
without microphones, but the new research by the Joanneum Research group
based in Graz in southern Austria shows microphones are more effective.

The microphones, which are located every 100 metres and coupled to
video-cameras, are able to identify sounds such as tire bursts, container
goods tumbling across the road and car crashes.

The microphones have been tested in the 2,700-metre long Kirchdorf Tunnel
(Styria, south of Austria) for the last two and a half years. The positive
effects of the new technology were presented during the "Future Conference".

Results of this test show that all critical incidents were detected by the
acoustic system before any other medium. In comparison to other security
systems, researchers were able to cut up to two and half minutes off the
time it takes to get to the scene of the accident.

Director of the project Franz Graf said: "Through detection algorithms, it
is possible to identify dangerous noises and alert the tunnel security teams
using camera links - all within 0,25 seconds."

The acoustic tunnel surveillance system is now due to be installed in the
Bosrucktunnel between Upper-Austria and Styria and the bypass north of
Klagenfurt (Carinthia).

emitter: pressetext / newsfox
contact person: Michael Leidig
phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
e-mail: lei...@newsfox.com
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From: "pressetext (pte)" <sys...@mailout.pressetext.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:42 PM
Subject: Microphones could save lives in road tunnels

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