*[Enwl-eng] BBC film confirms extrajudicial killing in the name ofconservation

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Feb 17, 2017, 8:15:43 AM2/17/17
to "ENWL-uni"
Please stop the killing of innocent tribal peoples in the name of conservation. 
Gaonbura Kealing, a young tribesman with severe learning difficulties, was gunned down after he entered Kaziranga National Park in search of a missing cow.
Dear Vladimir,

As you may already know, Survival's "Tribal Conservationists" campaign is vociferously protesting the horrific human cost of militarized conservation – with tribal people around the world being arrested, beaten, tortured and killed in the name of conservation.

Kaziranga National Park in India is the most infamous example of this inhuman trend... at least 50 people have been executed in the last three years, including  innocent tribespeople.

Conservation organizations are complicit in the human rights violations; they provide training and equipment to forest guards and never speak out to condemn the violence. But extrajudicial killing is wrong, in any circumstance: International law and UN guidelines are clear on this.

Alerted to our work, the BBC commissioned an investigation. Here's what they discovered...
Tribal children have been shot and innocent lives lost in the name of conservation.
This extraordinarily moving piece is a huge step forward in bringing worldwide attention to a grossly under-reported humanitarian crisis. We urge you to watch and share the video, also available as an extended radio program for those who would like to find out more.

Please then take action to stop this abuse by writing to the Indian authorities using our template below.

Tribal peoples are not enemies of wildlife. They have been dependent on and managed their environments for millennia. They are the best conservationists and guardians of the natural world.

If like us, you care about the environment and tribal peoples, help put an end to these horrific human rights abuses. For tribal peoples, for nature, for all humanity.

Yours, in gratitude,

Survival International
Send a pre-written email
If the button doesn't work for you, please write your own email using the details below.
If you have time to adapt the text it'll make even more impact.
To: anil...@sansad.nic.in
Cc: jual...@hotmail.com, jual...@nic.in, dir.kaz...@gmail.com, ms-...@nic.in, Ravi...@wwfindia.net, mlamb...@wwfint.org
Bcc: advo...@survivalinternational.org
(optional, but useful for our records)
Subject: Stop brutal "shoot on sight"

To Minister Anil Dave,

I am extremely alarmed by the human cost of militarized conservation in Kaziranga National Park. Innocent tribal people are being shot and even killed as a direct result of the park’s shoot on sight policy. These are extrajudicial executions which should not be tolerated.
I am also very concerned at plans, announced by your predecessor, to introduce this policy in tiger reserves across India. Tribal people are already being tricked, threatened and harassed into leaving their forest homes by forest officials.

Arming the guards would result in even more violence against India’s tribes and even more illegal and forced evictions.

Please issue an immediate ban on shoot on sight policies in protected areas and ensure that no further evictions take place without the genuine consent of the tribal people.

Yours sincerely,

Since 1969 | Offices in London, Berlin, Madrid, Milan, Paris and San Francisco
Supporters in over 100 countries
A 501(c)(3) organization | Registered charity no. 267444 
Our mailing addresses:
Survival International USA, PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 94126
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK

Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 8:09 PM
Subject: BBC film confirms extrajudicial killing in the name of conservation

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