*[Enwl-eng] WHO chief slams "moral failure" of vaccine rollout

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Jan 21, 2021, 11:46:16 AM1/21/21
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Voting rights suspended for 7 UN members over dues debts | WHO, China face pandemic criticism from panel of experts | Agencies partner to fight attacks on urban centers, religious sites
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January 20, 2021
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Vaccine manufacturers' focus on profits means that young, healthy adults in wealthy countries may get coronavirus vaccines while health care workers and the elderly in developing nations wait, World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said this week as the agency reported a more rapidly spreading variant of the coronavirus first discovered in the UK has now been detected in at least 60 countries. Three drugmakers in China have submitted applications to join the WHO's COVAX initiative, which aims to begin distributing vaccines in poorer countries next month.
Full Story: The Associated Press (1/18),  Bangkok Post/Agence France-Presse (1/20),  Reuters (1/20) 
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United Nations
The Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Iran, Libya, Niger, South Sudan and Zimbabwe have had their voting rights at the United Nations suspended over outstanding dues payments, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says. All seven countries owe at least two years' worth of UN contributions and can restore voting rights by making payments.
Full Story: France 24/Agence France-Presse (1/18) 
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Health & Development
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is working to relocate Ethiopian refugees in Sudan farther from the disputed border between the two countries, noting that additional funding is urgently required to provide much-needed infrastructure, food and shelter. The agency last week regained access to refugee camps in Ethiopia's Tigray for the first time in two months, but officials warn attacks in the region have targeted World Food Programme food storage facilities as hunger climbs.
Full Story: Xinhua News Agency (China) (1/19),  Voice of America (1/16),  The Associated Press (1/17) 
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Climate and Energy
Greater budget allocations for climate adaptation projects will encourage environmentally responsible growth while protecting vulnerable communities from climate disasters, says United Nations Environment Programme Climate Change Coordinator for Africa Richard Munang. "Investing in adaptation is a sound economic decision and must become an added tool in every country's economic arsenals," Munang says.
Full Story: Xinhua News Agency (China) (1/18) 
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Peacekeeping and Security
Participants in the United Nations-brokered Libyan Political Dialogue Forum continue to make progress toward selecting a new authority for the country, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reports. The UN chief is urging all foreign militants and contractors to leave the country by Saturday, as stipulated under a permanent cease-fire agreement signed in October.
Full Story: Arab News (Saudi Arabia) (1/19),  The Associated Press (1/20) 
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Planned Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank represent clear violations of international law and threaten any chance of a two-state solution in the region, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says. The UN chief is calling on authorities in Israel to "halt and reverse" the approval of new settlements in the region.
Full Story: The News International (Pakistan)/Agence France-Presse (1/20),  Xinhua News Agency (China) (1/18) 
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UN News
Highlights from the United Nations Department of Global Communications
Migration chief calls for all displaced to be included in national COVID-19 vaccination plans
Full Story: UN News (1/18) 
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Commentary and coverage on the UN and UN-related issues
"The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Becomes International Law"
Full Story: UN Dispatch (1/19) 
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Quote of the Day
All countries need #COVID19 vaccine doses now to protect all healthcare and frontline workers.

We must treat vaccines as a global public good --people's vaccines -- accessible & affordable to all.

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From: UN Wire
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 1:28 AM
Subject: WHO chief slams "moral failure" of vaccine rollout

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