*[Enwl-eng] Stop Big Oil! Tax Windfall Profits Now!

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Aug 8, 2022, 3:41:12 PM8/8/22
to "ENWL-uni"

It’s no secret that powerful special interests in the fossil fuel industry will do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo, maximize profits and deny future generations a livable planet.

So, in the face of record-breaking profits from Big Oil companies, we must continue organizing, protesting, and advocating to stop these greedy corporations from enriching themselves at the expense of working people.

It is clear that President Biden must take the necessary actions to meet the scale of the climate crisis, especially with heat waves, wildfires, and floods gripping the nation. In addition to his proposed bill to invest hundreds of billions into climate solutions, he must hold Big Oil accountable by passing a windfall profits tax.

Watch More Perfect Union’s exclusive reporting on the real way to stop Big Oil price gouging the way it’s done everywhere else: a windfall profits tax with direct rebates to help working families. Then sign our petition to President Biden to join the fight.

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The truth is, we can’t afford any inaction on climate change. But with Big Oil and the climate change denying politicians they fund fighting to maximize fossil fuel profits at all cost, we need you and thousands of people across the to step up and force the Biden administration to take action.

From the U.K. to Spain, and Italy, governments around the world are actually working to deliver real relief for the people by taking excess oil and gas profits and using this money to keep energy bills low for poorer families while investing in renewable energy solutions.

We’re building momentum to challenge the fossil fuel industry and make sure that their profits benefit working people and our climate in the process.

We must demand accountability for Big Oil’s price gouging and right now you have a chance to get President Biden to follow in the footsteps of nations around the world.

The more people who make their voices heard, the better our chances are of enacting a windfall profits tax plan with direct rebates to consumers. Sign our petition to President Biden to join the fight.

Let's win this fight, together.


Rick Weiland, Founder

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Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2022 9:30 PM
Subject: Stop Big Oil! Tax Windfall Profits Now!

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