*[Enwl-eng] Death blow for the Amazon?

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Oct 31, 2021, 7:58:04 AM10/31/21
to "ENWL-uni"

Indigenous man rowing in a canoe in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil


Far right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says it's his "dream" to crack open the Amazon.

And he's pushing legislation to make his dream come true -- opening the rainforest to out-of-control mining and expelling Indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands to make it happen.

These hideous bills could be voted on any day now -- we need an urgent, all-out push to stop him. That means polling to put pressure on key politicians, generating national and international media coverage, and backing the Indigenous organizations on the front lines to stop this dangerous legislation in its tracks.

And it means we're counting on you -- will you chip in today to save the Amazon and its people?

If you’ve saved your payment information with SumOfUs, your donation will go through immediately:

If we can't stop these bills from passing, we'll see the Amazon divvied up and parceled out to the highest bidders in the mining, logging, and big agriculture industries -- a disaster for our planet's climate and biodiversity.

And we'll see the erasure of Indigenous peoples across the Brazilian Amazon, including isolated peoples that have never come into contact with outsiders.

This is the corporate free-for-all future that Bolsonaro desperately desires, but together, we can still stop it from coming to pass.

When you chip in $2 today, you'll fund a campaign with the power to stand up to Bolsonaro, his allies in Congress, and the greedy corporations that back them. You'll pay for investigations to expose the companies behind this inhumane legislation, running targeted TV, radio, and digital advertising to mobilize popular opinion against Bolsonaro, and so much more. Will you donate today?

If you’ve saved your payment information with SumOfUs, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all that you do,
Flora and the SumOfUs team

More information:

Brazil police use teargas and rubber bullets against indigenous protesters, The Guardian. 23 June 2021.

Members of the ruralist caucus and allies to President Bolsonaro approve bill that paves the way for a new indigenous genocide,
APIB. 23 June 2021.

Firing arrows, indigenous people in Brazil protest bill curtailing land rights, Reuters. 16 June 2021.

Brazil sees record number of bids to mine illegally on Indigenous lands, Mongabay. 13 November 2020.

The Companies and Individuals Attempting to Mine on Indigenous Lands in Brazil, Agencia Publica. 20 February 2020.


SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 1:45 PM
Subject: Death blow for the Amazon?

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