*[Enwl-eng] Fines for phoning while cycling

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Apr 1, 2013, 6:00:39 PM4/1/13
to "ENWL-uni"
publication: 26.03.2013 11:16
keywords: Bike / Fine / Safety / Road

Fines for phoning while cycling
New Austrian legislation means using a mobile on a bike could cost 50 Euros

Vienna (pte014/26.03.2013/11:16) - New Austrian legislation on cycling means
people caught using their mobile phones on their bike could be fined 50
Euros, the Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) warned.

The new set of laws which apply in Austria from this year (2013) has made
using a mobile phone while cycling illegal.

Other points of law include giving municipalities the discretion to lift the
obligation to cycle on individual bike paths, such as is already common
practice in the Netherlands and Denmark.

According the Traffic Club, there are many cycle paths in Austria which are
dangerous because they are too narrow.

Traffic Club expert Markus Gansterer said: "If it's permitted to ride on the
normal streets, some experienced cyclists will cycle on the road. That way,
those who aren't that experienced have more room and are safer on the cycle

Individual regions and towns are also now allowed to introduce "Bike
Streets" to facilitate a cheap way of commuting from the outskirts of the
towns by bike.

The Austrian Traffic Club said these streets were reserved for bikes. Cars
can use the road, but they are not allowed to hinder cyclists and speed is
limited to 30 kilometres per hour.

The Austrian Traffic Club is committed to further improve the traffic
conditions for cyclists.

Vorarlberg in the West of Austria is the region with the most cyclists in
Austria. Some 260,000 people from Vorarlberg ride their bikes as part of
their daily routine with one in two cycling daily or several times a week.

emitter: pressetext / newsfox
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e-mail: lei...@newsfox.com
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To: <enwl...@lew.spb.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 2:17 PM
Subject: Fines for phoning while cycling

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