*[Enwl-eng] Peace through Farming, Permaculture, & Simple Living

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Dec 9, 2020, 3:17:54 PM12/9/20
to "ENWL-uni"

I'm excited to be moderating this webinar, which brings together my 2 areas of focus: anti-war campaigning and farming/permaculture. I hope you can join us for this discussion of the practical steps that we can all take to divest from war and be peacebuilders in our communities.

See you on Zoom,

How do we tackle something as large as the twin threats of war and climate change? World BEYOND War’s Organizing Director, Greta Zarro, describes her 2-prong approach as: 1) grassroots organizing, advocacy, and lobbying for policy-level system change, and 2) simultaneously, building the alternative world that we want to see, through lifestyle changes that bring our communities closer to self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Join us on December 16 for a unique webinar that explores these intersections between permaculture, farming, simple living, and anti-war activism. Organizing Director Greta Zarro, who is also a co-founder of Unadilla Community Farm, a non-profit organic farm and permaculture education center, will moderate this interesting discussion, featuring:

  • Brian Terrell, an Iowan farmer and long-time peace activist who has worked with many organizations including Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Catholic Peace Ministry, and the National Committee of War Resisters League, who will share his story and explain why a revolution on the land is crucial for advancing peace and climate justice.

  • Rowe Morrow of the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute (Australia), who will describe her permaculture work with refugees and in war zones, such as with the Afghan Peace Volunteers in Kabul.

  • Barry Sweeney, who will share his story on becoming a Permaculture Design Instructor and a World BEYOND War Board Member and Chapter Coordinator (Ireland/Italy) - and how these two seemingly different paths are interconnected.

  • Stefano Battain, who will speak about War Child’s ‘Peace Garden’ initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic, which supports the wellbeing of children and young people through the social and therapeutic benefits of horticulture, and equips war-torn communities with the skills they need to build sustainable sources of food, and sustainable sources of income, helping them to achieve the stability and security they deserve.

Here are the event details to save to your calendar:

What: Webinar: Peace & Permaculture
When: Wednesday, December 16 at 3:00pm-4:30pm Eastern Time (GMT-5)
Where: Register for the Zoom info
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Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2020 7:15 PM
Subject: Peace through Farming, Permaculture, & Simple Living


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