*[Enwl-eng] Take Action: Congress To Cut UN Funding

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Mar 15, 2013, 2:34:55 PM3/15/13
to "ENWL-uni"
TAKE ACTION: House and Senate May Slash UN Funding

Dear Friends,

Today our Executive Director Peter Yeo testified before the House
Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations. He told this key
Subcommittee, which determines funding for the UN, that while there are
tough budget decisions to be made, there are some things the U.S. simply
cannot afford to cut - like our commitment to the United Nations, its
peacekeeping operations and global health initiatives.


Staying current on our dues allows us to use the UN to advance many of our
nation's core values and strategic interests, like peace in the Middle East
and stability in the Congo. Under UN peacekeeping, individuals from other
countries assume great personal risk to do just that, as evidenced by the
recent kidnapping of 21 Filipino peacekeepers in the Golan and the deaths of
four Russian peacekeepers in Congo. They sacrifice a great deal, including
their lives, to advance peace and democracy. By fully funding these
missions, we show the seriousness of our support.

Unfortunately, that support is now in question. Funding for the
International Affairs Budget is up for debate in the House and Senate next
week, and we need to be prepared and make our voices heard on the Hill.

Two weeks ago we told you about sequestration, the across-the-board cuts to
all government programs, which went into effect March 1. This measure
reduces overall U.S. contributions to the United Nations by over $200
million each year. Now, both chambers will discuss funding for FY 2014, and
things could get worse.

The proposed House budget introduced this week by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
would slash international affairs spending by $5 billion below
pre-sequestration levels. And while we expect the Senate's budget proposal
to be more favorable, some Senators will propose steep and harmful cuts to
the International Affairs Budget, including funding to the United Nations.


Peter pleaded the case for strong U.S.-UN engagement and full funding before
Congress this morning. Now it's your turn. In order to defeat the cuts
contained in the House budget resolution, and any possible amendments in the
Senate, we need you to mobilize!

Call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, write a
letter, and tell your Congressman TODAY: The U.S. cannot afford to fall
behind on our dues to the UN and diminish our influence on the world's
stage. Please support full funding for the United Nations and oppose any
bills or amendments which further slash our contributions to the UN.


Thank you for taking action,

Jordie Hannum
Director, Better World Campaign

Better World Campaign

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From: "Jordie Hannum" <Info...@betterworldcampaign.org>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 12:11 AM
Subject: Take Action: Congress To Cut UN Funding

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