*[Enwl-eng] People to protect trees

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Jul 1, 2021, 12:52:11 PM7/1/21
to "ENWL-uni"

Europe's forests are facing mass burning unless we take action now. That’s why we are coming together today for a Day of Action against the burning of trees. Share a picture of you with a #StopFakeRenewables sign (in front of a tree if possible) on Twitter!

Not on twitter? You can contact European leaders directly! Send an email with your picture to Frans Timmermans (frans-timmer...@ec.europa.eu) and Ursula von der Leyen (ec.presi...@ec.europa.eu).


You have made the Finnish Environment Minister and the European Commission nervous. They thought passing a law to make the industrial burning of forests legal would be easy. And alone, they may have been able to ignore you.

But people power is working. There are 240,000 of us with you, and when thousands of us use our voices together, we make a difference.

Finland is the main country pushing to burn forests and call it renewable energy. Thanks to our actions, we got the Finnish Environment Minister to speak out against her government. [1]

We met with the European Commission to deliver the petition, but they still seem to be bowing down to the logging lobby. They will decide in the next few days whether they protect or keep burning trees. [2]

But to win, we need to continue to pile on the same pressure that forced the Finnish Environment Minister to change her position. Here's how: today, we are joining a European-wide day of action against the mass burning of trees for energy. We’ll be sharing pictures directly with the Commission, and will be joined by people from 130 organisations from all over Europe. Greta Thunberg already shared our message on social media. [3] So start drawing!

Share your voice on Twitter – it can make all the difference
Not on twitter? You can contact European leaders directly! Send an email with your picture to Frans Timmermans (frans-timmer...@ec.europa.eu) and Ursula von der Leyen (ec.presi...@ec.europa.eu).

How to take action:

  1. Make your own sign saying “#StopFakeRenewables” – you can use pencils, markers, cardboard, fabric, or keep it super simple… anything you want!
  2. Take a photo with your sign that says #stopfakerenewables. If possible do it in front of your favourite tree(s) or the closest one you can get to.
    Example of a sign
  3. Click the button below to send a message and a photo of you holding the sign to President von der Leyen on Twitter. When you click the button below the twitter share tool will come up with a pre-written tweet. Click the tweet button, and you will be taken to your Twitter page. Then, just click the icon at the bottom left corner to add your image. (If you don’t have time to take a picture and add it to your tweet, just send the tweet without it)
    Example of a tweet, button to add an image is shown on the lower left
Click to share your sign on Twitter
Not on twitter? You can contact European leaders directly! Send an email with your picture to Frans Timmermans (frans-timmer...@ec.europa.eu) and Ursula von der Leyen (ec.presi...@ec.europa.eu).

The Commission will decide in the next few days. It’s our chance to tell our leaders that we want to protect our forests, not burn them. Our online action will be accompanied by actions from partners happening on the streets in at least 9 cities: Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn. Please join us and send a tweet or email!

Thank you,

David (London), Annemarie (Berlin) and the entire WeMove team


[1] Krista Mikkonen, the Finnish Environment minister reacted in a tweet to our action
[2] European leaders will present what counts as ‘renewable energy’ in a proposal for a new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). It will be presented by the Commission on July 14th – so far, burning of forests is still included. Right now, nearly €7 billion per year are being spent on subsidizing the burning of wood in Europe.
The Renewable Energy Directive itself is causing a great deal of harm, as it was one of the first pieces of legislation to define wood burning as carbon neutral and encouraged it as a means of generating heat and electricity.
[3] https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1404819667030581253?s=19


WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.

WeMove Europe is funded by donations from our community across Europe. Can you chip in with a few euros a month and help make sure we can move fast to win the campaigns that matter to all of us? Donate

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Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2021 8:08 AM
Subject: People to protect trees


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