Joe Biden has won the US Presidency -- but not on social
Tech giants like Facebook and YouTube have created toxic
algorithms that push people to extreme content, littered
with hate speech and lies. It’s one of the ways groups spreading
election disinformation are able to grow by the tens of thousands in
a matter of hours.
But massive pressure forced the tech giants to take new measures
to slow the spread of disinformation -- and evidence suggests they
worked. This shows us the platforms *can* act if we
force them to.
So let’s keep up the pressure on the tech platforms now more than
ever, to stop disinformation and detox their algorithms.
Join the call and share this widely!
Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter: stop the spread of disinformation --
detox your algorithms!
The platforms knew this was coming. It was years of their execs
and engineers pushing people to extremist groups, pages, and videos
that got us into this mess in the first place.
But our community has been relentless with our pressure
on the platforms, and we're finally seeing them act -- with
Facebook reducing the reach of pages and groups spreading election
disinformation, and Twitter labeling Trump's disinformation over a
dozen times and counting.
While this shows us the platforms are willing to take
action, it’s not nearly enough. They are doing the bare
minimum in the face of serious threats to our democracies,
communities, and even our mental health. It's time for the tech
giants to have a reckoning on the damage their toxic algorithms are
having on us.
Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter: stop the spread of disinformation --
detox your algorithms!
Fighting disinformation seems like a constant uphill battle, but
our pressure is finally working. Let's keep showing up and help
stomp out one of the most toxic elements of social media.