life of an American egg-laying hen in a factory farm is a
miserable experience. Crammed into a cage almost too
small for her body, she can't stand up or even spread her
cramped wings. Packed and stacked next to thousands of other
hens surrounding her, the animals are terrified, confused, and
traumatized. Every day, she's breathing in the other birds'
filth and illness as she lays egg after
As consumers become increasingly
aware of the cruelty of factory farming, grocers and
restaurants have worked hard to seek out cage-free eggs and
other more humane animal products. Even better, some states
are passing laws requiring better treatment of farmed animals.
That's why Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the
United States, is finally increasing its production of
cage-free eggs. But in the pursuit of ever more
profits, they also continue to sell caged
eggs, making some chickens more lucky than others.
This is no way for any animal to live — whether they're
feeding humans or not. Tell this giant egg producing corporation to go
entirely cage-free and spare all chickens in their facilities
the awful cruelty of cages!
Thank you for all that you do,
Miranda The Care2 Petitions Team
P.S. Cal-Maine
Foods claims it cares about promoting cage-free eggs. So why
does it still have thousands of chickens locked in cages? Speak out against cruelty by signing the
petition now! |