*[Enwl-eng] FYI: Obama complicit in Bush war crimes: Analyst

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May 7, 2013, 6:35:59 AM5/7/13
to "ENWL-uni"
Obama complicit in Bush war crimes: Analyst
Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Well this is just fraud, what I like to call legal fraud because many of
the detainees there are not enemy combatants, they are civilians who were
wrongly gathered up in US government dragnets in Iraq."

Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont, human rights
lawyer, about the situation of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay prison. What
follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Now taking a look at the situation at Guantanamo Bay prison it is
getting more dire, more hunger strikers are joining and yet there is sort
of a deniability on the part of those people working there as well as a
part of the US government where they are not acknowledging the human rights
violations that are taking place over there. What do you have to say to

Lambremont: Well this is just fraud, what I like to call legal fraud
because many of the detainees there are not enemy combatants, they are
civilians who were wrongly gathered up in US government dragnets in Iraq.

And I personally heard testimony as a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes
Tribunal in a trial in which the defendants were George W. Bush, Richard
Dick Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, the former Attorney
General of the US as well as the Counsel to the US State Department and we
heard personal testimony there from individuals who had been held and
tortured in Abu Ghraib in Iraq and then transferred to Afghanistan and
tortured there and transferred to Guantanamo and tortured there and they
were civilians who had been gathered up in dragnets and the reason for this
is that the US in order to meet quotas had put out bounties on their heads
in Iraq and what they did is that they just put out bounties willy-nilly on
people without any investigation.

So they said if you know anybody who is a terrorist, we’ll pay you so much
per head. So they started in effect an informal civil war which people were
turning in their neighbors, you know with long-standing grudges in order to
collect these rewards.

And we are talking about women who were civilians, men who were civilians
so first of all it is not at all certain that the detainees that are in
Guantanamo now are enemy combatants. They may very well be civilians.

Press TV: Mr. Lambremont, we are running out of time. Very quickly if you
can, how complicit do you think the Obama administration is though in
keeping this prison open, in not making it public about the intelligence
that was used to bring in these people into Guantanamo prison?

Lambremont: I believe and I have just completed a ten thousand word article
to that effect on my website that Barrack H. Obama is continuing the
policies of George W. Bush and is as complicit in the imperialist crimes
and the war crimes of George W. Bush and this man has to be exposed for
what he is.

He is at the head and the capstone. We investigated in the 1970’s, almost
forty years ago, of a system called Friendly Fascism which would be running
the United States now. He presents a friendly face, he is to Friendly
Fascism what Adolf Hitler was to Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. And he is as
culpable of war crimes in my judgment and I have said it in many different
contexts starting with drones but continuing to the torture that is
occurring at this minute in Guantanamo and to the degrade, desecration of
sacred texts which is in violation of the Geneva Accords in my opinion.

Press TV: And what about the public opinion there in North America where
you are right now? Do you see the average American taxpayer thinking that
Guantanamo Bay should be shut down and putting it as a priority right now
especially considering when you look at the figures, for each prisoner at
Guantanamo Bay prison, the US taxpayer is spending nine hundred thousand
dollars a year and you do the math, they are hundred and sixty-six
prisoners there are at the present?

Lambremont: No these are heavy burdens especially in the time of sequester
and it is known that it is the war in Iraq which is a war crime that in
effect has tripled the public debt of the United States to the place where
it is now along with the war in Afghanistan, both of which were started by
the false flag operation of 9/11… and the American public has been
hoodwinked by the Bush family and that is continued through Obama.

There is no distinction between the Bush family precedents and Obama. They
both come out of the same criminal organization and that is a
CIA-controlled presidency as to whether or not the American public will
wake up it remains to be seen. Those of us in the United States are working
now for regime change there.


From: "CAMPAIGN" <pe...@peaceinspace.org>
To: "peace-lover" <peace...@yahoogroups.com>; "ENWL" <en...@lew.spb.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2013 6:55 AM
Subject: Obama complicit in Bush war crimes: Analyst

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