*[Enwl-eng] [cenn] Global Youth Service Day in Khashuri

බැලීම් 6
පළමු නොකියවූ පණිවිඩය දක්වා මඟ හරින්න


2013 මැයි 8, 15.26.162013-05-08
සිට "ENWL-uni"
Global Youth Service Day
in Khashuri

On April 28, 2013 a clean-up event was held in the central square of
Khashuri. The number of volunteers exceeded 100. This event was one of
1,699 projects dedicated to Global Youth Service Day (GYSD).

The project "Youth For the Cleaner Environment" consisted of several

At the beginning there was a short speech delivered on the goals of the
project, partner organizations and the following activities. After the
speech, volunteers began cleaning up nearby areas of the square. They placed
the collected trash in garbage cans. After the sunset, volunteers launched
sky lanterns. During the event, volunteers, who were wearing special
T-shirts, handed out informational brochures and flyers to pedestrians,
encouraging them to join the event.

Informational brochures, flyers and T-shirts were provided by the Caucasus
Environmental NGO Network (CENN <http://www.cenn.org/> ).

Financial support was provided by the US Department of State, Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs. The project "Youth For the Cleaner
Environment" was funded via the Global Youth Service Day FLEX Alumni
Matching Grants contest. It was presented by FLEX Alumni Davit Dopidze and
Ucha Dopidze.

* * *

The Global Youth Service Day (www.gysd.org <http://www.gysd.org/> )
celebrates and mobilizes the millions of young people who improve their
communities each day of the year through service. Established in 1988, the
Global Youth Service Day is the largest service event in the world, and the
only day of service dedicated to children and youth. GYSD is celebrated each
year in over 100 countries to address the world’s most critical issues and
change communities for the better.

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<mailto:in...@cenn.org> in...@cenn.org
<http://www.cenn.org/> www.cenn.org

From: "Info CENN" <in...@cenn.ge>
To: "0" <enwl...@lew.spb.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 11:26 AM
Subject: [cenn] Global Youth Service Day in Khashuri


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