*[Enwl-eng] [press-release] No excuse for climate inaction; 2 degree goal can and must be achieved – Greenpeace

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Jun 13, 2013, 7:12:30 AM6/13/13
to "ENWL-uni"
*No excuse for climate inaction; 2 degree goal can and must be achieved
– Greenpeace *
Amsterdam, June 10, 2013 – The IEA report, /Redrawing the Energy-Climate
Map,/ calls on governments to enact four energy policies that would keep
climate goals alive with no net costs. In response, Greg Muttitt at
Greenpeace International said:??

/"The climate danger is imminent, but the path to safety is clear and
attainable. The question is, will our governments lead us onto that
path? The only reasons not to do so would be delusion by fossil fuel
lobbyists’ myths or collusion with their paymasters from the oil and
coal industry. If governments fail to act they will be complicit in
global suffering and should be held accountable."????
There are several opportunities for governments to act right away:

• European politicians, who are close to deciding on car efficiency
standards, must make the 2020 standards robust enough and outline a path
to 2025 ambitious enough to catalyse a shift to ultra-low carbon vehicles.
• Corporations must simply stop building, and governments stop
permitting, coal mines and power plants in coal-hungry countries like
Poland, Czech Republic, South Africa, India and China, when better
options exist. Instead, countries must boost their energy efficiency and
clean, renewable energy power supplies.?

The IEA’s report also warns that the energy industry itself cannot
escape from climate change. For example, water supplies are under
increasing stress due to climate change, while greater coal mining and
burning competes for those supplies, often in the same regions. (1)
Reliance on coal creates both energy and water insecurity, as well as
financial risks for the energy sector.

The IEA has previously warned that in order to stay within 2 degrees
Celsius of warming, the majority of the world’s proven coal, oil and gas
reserves must be left in the ground. In January, Greenpeace
International highlighted 14 coal, oil and gas projects – including in
China, Australia and the Arctic – that could instead lock the world onto
a 6 degrees trajectory. These projects must be abandoned to avoid
catastrophic climate change. (2)

?*1: For example, on China see:

2: Point of No Return report:??

?*Greg Muttitt, climate team leader at Greenpeace International: +31 6
1432 1169 or greg.m...@greenpeace.org?
Greenpeace International press desk: +31 (0)20 718 24 70 or

From: "Aaron Gray-Block" <aaron.gr...@greenpeace.org>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 1:10 PM
Subject: [press-release] No excuse for climate inaction; 2 degree goal can
and must be achieved – Greenpeace

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