On Jun 22, 5:49 am, Rien <
rnent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So the magic in databases is not terrifying, but the magic in ORMs is?
> Isn't it a bit naive to think databases don't have bugs?
I never said there were no bugs in the rest of my software stack.
> Problem with Ebean is only that it hasn't been used enough yet to iron
> out all the bugs.....
Exactly, and this is a significant statement. My database of choice is
PostgreSQL. I personally do cascade deletes every time I run my unit
tests and there are probably a bajillion cascade deletes done in PG
the world over every day. So there are two points to make: PG has lots
of users and lots of code exercising it in lots of ways. Second, I,
personally, have designed lots of databases and exercised PG in lots
of ways. So there's a lot of comfort in that. I don't have that
comfort yet with Ebean or OpenJPA.
Some folks do work in MySQL without using foreign key constraints. I
had a coworker say she didn't use them because it made it too hard to
modify the database schema down the road. This approach terrifies me.
I've had bugs in my code that left orphaned records with this
approach. So I want to use the features of the database to protect the
integrity of the database as much as possible. To some extent, which I
haven't discovered yet, I may have to give up some of the security the
database gives me for "untrusted" alternatives in Ebean (I'm the one
who doesn't trust it given my limited experience and the overall
complexity of it).