Mono County Big Day: 151 species!

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Justin Hite

Jul 14, 2011, 2:59:39 AM7/14/11
to easternsierrabirds
We've been talking about doing a Big Day in Mono County all summer.  We hadn't done any real scouting, so yesterday was supposed to just be a trial run and we were hoping to maybe get close to the previous Mono County record of 135.

We birded from 3am to 11pm.  We (the we being Nora Livingston, Oliver James, Chris McCreedy and myself) started at Fish Slough, then trekked through Chalfant, Benton, the Benton Range, Black Lake, Wild Rose Canyon, Crowley, the road to Minaret Summit, the Mammoth Lakes Scenic Loop, the June Lake burn, Lee Vining Canyon, the Warbler Thicket, Virginia Lakes, Bridgeport Reservoir, Twin Lakes, Warford Spring, DeChambeau Ponds and County Park.    

It's hard to sit here and try and think of highlights because there were just so many.  Our first bird was a Short-eared Owl and our last was a Long-eared.  Blue Grosbeaks and Le Conte's Thrashers were keeping things spicy in Fish Slough.  A male Ring-necked Pheasant was trying to hide in short grass at the White Mountain Ranch. Golden Eagle standing like a lazy tyrant on a pile of boulders in the Tablelands. Gorgeous female Red-necked Phalarope slumming with Least Sandpipers at Black Lake.  Red-naped Sapsucker paired with Red-breasted at Wild Rose, where we also got beautiful looks at a Virginia's Warbler, the cocky crest of a Juniper Titmouse and the gorget of a Calliope.  Sage Grouse hanging out with a Willet on the shore of Crowley, where we also had a scruffy looking Common Loon and a distant flying Black Tern.  A spectacular moment in the forest a little below Minaret Summit with a tame Pine Grosbeak and both species of Kinglets singing like the world was about to end. Red Crossbill pair drinking from a creek on the scenic loop...Chris wondered if they drink sideways.  We tied the old record with Lazuli Bunging and broke it with Indigo Bunting at the Warbler Thicket.  Flyover Rosy Finch at Virginia Lake, which is also where halfway through wondering aloud if there were Bighorn Sheep on the talus slopes I interrupted myself to shout "Bighorn on the talus!"  Three Sandhill Cranes, a pair and a single, wandering around the south shore of Bridgeport. Our final daytime bird was Common Mergansers at Twin Lakes that waited in hiding until we were deciding to leave, then popped out to wish us good riddance.  And we were a bit worried when a Sheriff with lights flashing pulled up behind us outside the Conway Ranch Fish Hatchery gate wondering what kind of misdeeds we were committing, and after laughing at our explanation suggested a better spot for owls at Warford Spring.  So we went out there and were greeted by the adorable peeping of a Long-eared Owl fledgling the moment we stepped out of the car.

Below is the complete list.  We all saw new county birds and there were even a few life birds in there.  I added a note to birds if they were a life or county bird (CB) for any of the crew.  

Common Loon 
Eared Grebe 
Pied-billed Grebe
Western Grebe 
Clark’s Grebe (CB Chris)
American White Pelican 
Double-crested Cormorant 
Great Blue Heron 
Great Egret 
Black-crowned Night-Heron 
White-faced Ibis 
Canada Goose 
Northern Pintail 
American Wigeon 
Northern Shoveler 
Cinnamon Teal 
Green-winged Teal 
Redhead (CB Nora)
Ring-necked Duck
Common Merganser 
Ruddy Duck 
Turkey Vulture 
Northern Harrier 
Red-tailed Hawk 
Swainson's Hawk
Golden Eagle (CB Nora)
American Kestrel 
Prairie Falcon 
Greater Sage-grouse
California Quail 
Ring-necked Pheasant (CB Nora, Justin, Chris, Oliver)
American Coot 
Virginia Rail (CB Nora)
Sandhill Crane (CB Chris)
American Avocet 
Greater Yellowlegs 
Spotted Sandpiper 
Long-billed Curlew 
Least Sandpiper 
Wilson’s Snipe 
Wilson’s Phalarope 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Ring-billed Gull 
California Gull 
Caspian Tern 
Black Tern 
Mourning Dove 
Eurasian Collared-Dove 
Rock Pigeon
Long-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl (CB Nora)
Great Horned Owl 
Common Nighthawk
Common Poorwill
Costa’s Hummingbird
Calliope Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird
Lewis's Woodpecker
Red-naped Sapsucker
Red-breasted Sapsucker 
Williamson's Sapsucker
Hairy Woodpecker 
Black-backed Woodpecker
Northern Flicker 
Western Wood-Pewee 
Dusky Flycatcher 
Gray Flycatcher 
Say’s Phoebe 
Ash-throated Flycatcher 
Western Kingbird
Loggerhead Shrike 
Plumbeous Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Steller’s Jay 
Western Scrub Jay 
Pinyon Jay
Clark’s Nutcracker 
Black-billed Magpie 
American Crow (CB Nora)
Common Raven 
Horned Lark 
Violet-green Swallow 
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Bank Swallow
Tree Swallow 
Cliff Swallow 
Barn Swallow 
Juniper Titmouse 
Mountain Chickadee 
Red-breasted Nuthatch 
White-breasted Nuthatch 
Brown Creeper 
Bewick’s Wren 
House Wren 
Marsh Wren 
Rock Wren 
American Dipper 
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 
Townsend’s Solitaire 
Mountain Bluebird 
American Robin 
Hermit Thrush 
Northern Mockingbird (CB Nora)
LeConte's Thrasher (life Nora, CB Justin, Oliver)
Sage Thrasher 
European Starling 
Orange-crowned Warbler 
Virginia's Warbler
Yellow Warbler 
Yellow-rumped Warbler 
MacGillivray’s Warbler 
Common Yellowthroat 
Western Tanager 
Lazuli Bunting  
Indigo Bunting
Blue Grosbeak (CB Nora, Chris, Oliver)
Black-headed Grosbeak 
Spotted Towhee 
Green-tailed Towhee 
Black-throated Sparrow (CB Nora)
Brewer’s Sparrow 
Vesper Sparrow
Sage Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow 
Fox Sparrow
Song Sparrow 
Dark-eyed Junco 
White-crowned Sparrow 
Bullock’s Oriole 
Western Meadowlark 
Red-winged Blackbird 
Yellow-headed Blackbird 
Brewer’s Blackbird 
Great-tailed Grackle 
Brown-headed Cowbird 
Red Crossbill
Pine Grosbeak (life Chris, CB Nora)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
House Finch 
Cassin’s Finch 
Lesser Goldfinch 
Pine Siskin 
House Sparrow 

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