Cream Ale Kit recipe

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saint mel

Mar 7, 2011, 4:20:59 AM3/7/11
to DUFF Brew Club
We need to come up with a Cream Ale kit recipe for the DUFF club. If
you have one... ingredients that we should be ordering, please post
your suggestions. We can do both extract and all-grain. The kits
should be available for distribution at the April 1st club meeting so
time is short. Make your suggestions now, please.


Mar 10, 2011, 8:11:55 PM3/10/11
to DUFF Brew Club
I was looking around, and came up with this recipe. It calls for
steeping, so I am not sure if this is what we would want to do. We
could order the grain needed to fill the kits out. However, we do not
plan on having the hops or yeast with the kit, correct?

.75 lbs of Gambriniou Honey Malt
.25 lbs Dingemans Biscuit Malt
6 lbs Pilsen Malt

1 oz cluster hops (60)

Chico yeast. 1056 Wyeast or US 05 dry.

Now, it would depend on what we could get cheap for extract, but if we
would get a pale extract, I would just leave out the Biscuit malt, and
leave in the Honey malt for the residual sweetness. Let me know what
you think.


saint mel

Mar 12, 2011, 8:22:12 AM3/12/11
to DUFF Brew Club
I guess that recipe looks as good as any. I need to call the Wine and
Hop shop and see if we can still get the 15 gallon containers of
liquid malt from them, they are no longer listed on the on-line
catalog. Then next biggest size amounts I've found are through Norther
Brewer and the 33lbs. containers.

The hops are still advantageous for the club to buy. The Cluster hops
for instance are $1.99 an ounce at Northern Brewer but 8 ounces are
$11.99. If those same 8 ounces were purchased by the ounce price, they
would be nearly $16 instead of $12. There is a place in Ohio selling
by the lbs for 14.20... unknown shipping price because I didn't
process the order far enough to find the shipping cost, but for the
club to begin to carry an inventory of some of the more common hops,
buy in larger quantities and sell to members at or below the going
rate could begin to grow our treasury while helping members save a
little. I think you once posted a place in (Illinois?) where hops
could be bought at a huge savings, can't find that now.

I'm working on propagating yeast. A couple weeks ago I made a batch of
wort at around 1.040 for the specific purpose of canning it in quart
jars for starter. I've made my first batch on the stir plate and it is
settling out now in the fridge. Yeast is another area where cost can
be cut, but purity is essential or it's not worth the savings. I'll
see how this works out but if it's feasible to offer the option of
homegrown yeast, the savings could be another $5.00 or so.

The next step I think would be to find a supplier for at least the 15
gallon of liquid extract and maybe consider a bulk grain order that
could include enough for kits and the big brew. Maybe start consider a
once or twice a year large club purchase of supplies?

Hope I didn't ramble on too much...


David Dietz

Mar 13, 2011, 8:43:14 AM3/13/11
Hi Guys,  I know I have bought some 50 lbs. bags of base grain from Pete the last few times I needed some.  He sold it to me for the price he paid per lbs.  He gets it in a pallet quantity. I think it was $30 for a 50lbs bag.  I was going to see him this week, I need to brew soon and am out of base malt.  I could check with him to see what the possibility would be to sell more bags.  Dave

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saint mel

Mar 14, 2011, 12:55:24 PM3/14/11
to DUFF Brew Club
I think that would be a fantastic idea Dave. I hope it works out. I'll
bet club members would even be on hand to help him move and stack his
grain in exchange for piggy-backing on his order and it might help us
all save money? See what you can do!!


On Mar 13, 7:43 am, David Dietz <> wrote:
> Hi Guys,  I know I have bought some 50 lbs. bags of base grain from Pete the
> last few times I needed some.  He sold it to me for the price he paid per
> lbs.  He gets it in a pallet quantity. I think it was $30 for a 50lbs bag.
> I was going to see him this week, I need to brew soon and am out of base
> malt.  I could check with him to see what the possibility would be to sell
> more bags.  Dave


Mar 16, 2011, 8:52:44 PM3/16/11
to DUFF Brew Club
I would be interested. What kinds/brands of grain does he have
access to? I was looking into pallet sized shipments from North
Country Malting in Chicago, They are not taking on new homebrewing
accounts, from what I read. I have not called them yet, as I was
going to check at the next meeting to see how much we could look at
ordering. If we can get it through Pete, that would be awesome. We
should make sure we help out if he does go along with it.

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David Dietz

Mar 16, 2011, 10:37:06 PM3/16/11
I have been getting Pale Ale Malt from him.  Breiss is his main supplier I think.  I know he gets Pale & Two row.  I am sure we could get a bag of say Cara pils, Crystal or Chocolate and split it up to sell to the members.  And buy whole bags of the base malt.  I have got three whole bags in the last year or so.  He said he needs to put an order in early April.  Our meeting is April first.  If we got an idea of what we all wanted on that meeting we could get it to him in time for his order.  He seamed to like the idea of ordering some extra for the club.


Mar 23, 2011, 5:37:54 PM3/23/11
to DUFF Brew Club

Sounds good to me Dave. Do you have an idea of what he has available
to him, or does he order everything from Briess? Prices to us would
be good to know, so we have some concrete things to pass on. If he
pays shipping, we should plan on paying for our percentage of it too,
to be fair I would think.

> > > > > quoted

David Dietz

Mar 23, 2011, 10:21:59 PM3/23/11
I think most of his grain comes from Breiss.  I have been having a hard time meeting up with him.  Seems as if I can't get there on nights when he is there.  I will try tomorrow night before the Wis B Ball game.   Do you think the club should buy a whole bag of grains like, chocolate, or honey malt, or black patent?   could we all buy some so it doesn't sit around to long?   The base malt would not be a problem, but #50 of specialty stuff would take longer.    Dave


Mar 24, 2011, 5:48:25 PM3/24/11
to DUFF Brew Club
I would wonder how much specialty grain Pete orders at a time? You
are right. A little chocolate malt goes a long way. The crystal
malts get used a few pounds at a time, but real dark malts are usually
a few ounces a batch. The main thing would be to ensure that they
are not ground first. I don't, or should I say won't, buy any kind of
grain preground. That cuts down on storage time a lot.


David Dietz

Mar 26, 2011, 8:58:29 AM3/26/11
I saw Pete Thursday night and he thought about 75 cents a pound.   I think that is a pretty good price.  I think he gets all  his grain pre ground.  If we put in an order with him for a number of bags, we could request that they not grind them.  I don't have a mill yet so I liked the service of having them ground.   What does the rest of the group think????

David Dietz

Mar 26, 2011, 9:03:07 AM3/26/11
I sent an invite threw Google calender the other day.  I didn't have everyone's email so it it didn't get to everyone.  Sorry.  I was just testing it out.  I knew Mel would be sending something also.  I noticed it had a map feature but it is not correct location.  I think Joe said he would be sending out directions before the meeting.  Dave

joe verbsky

Mar 26, 2011, 4:05:20 PM3/26/11
Directions to Joe & Teresa's. From Hillsboro, go south on 80, down past the hospital towards Richland Center. Go about 2 mi. turn right on Kouba valley rd. Then go about 2.5 mi. turn left on McKenzie rd. Go up a hill, around a few corners and the road y's. Stay to the right or straight on Verbsky ln. I'm at the dead end. Click here to view a map.                     

Maybe we should take a collection or pay some club dues to pay for the grain, malt etc.

Joe V.

--- On Sat, 3/26/11, David Dietz <> wrote:

saint mel

Mar 29, 2011, 11:32:18 AM3/29/11
to DUFF Brew Club
Working from the recipe Jim posted, I ordered the first ingredient,
the Pilsen liquid malt through the Wine and Hop shop. I intend to pay
for that and pass the cost along for what the club ends up using. It
should be here by Friday. The price quoted was $300 for 180 lbs. Tax
on top of that should be $16.50, so that comes out to about $1.75 per/
lbs. or $10.50 per kit for the base malt... our cost. 180 lbs would
make up to 30 kits but I doubt if there will be that much demand so
the next step is to get an idea of how many kits we need in order to
purchase the two steeping grains and maybe a bulk order of cluster

Northern Brewer lists a Belgian Biscuit Malt for $2.10 a lbs. 1/4 lbs.
= $.53
Gamvrinus Honey Malt for $1.89. 3/4 lbs. = $1.42
Cluster hop pellets 1/2 lbs. $11.99. 1 oz = $1.50

.75 lbs of Gambriniou Honey Malt
.25 lbs Dingemans Biscuit Malt
6 lbs Pilsen Malt

1 oz cluster hops (60)

Chico yeast. 1056 Wyeast or US 05 dry.

So, the kit price cost (minus shipping for the 3 remaining
ingredients) comes to $13.95. Northern Brewers kits for a cream ale
are $19.99 + shipping so it appears we can come in a full $6.00
cheaper. It's possible if we shop around that we could get a better
deal on some of the remaining ingredients. If there is remaining malt
after the kits, that could be offered to members who want it for a
small club profit and still be less than the going price. Opps! I
forgot the $.50 for the used Miracle Whip jugs from Viking... unless
we start saving our milk jugs or charge a deposit for those. Yeast is
additional but we could order that as well for people who want it with
the kit.

I haven't worked on all-grain kits yet. I think they are something
that we need to be offering along side extract kits and bulk grain
purchase. I think we should set our sites on a quarterly club beer kit
because that ensures that we are able to purchase in bulk and save for
our members. If we added $3 per kit and each member bought a kit each
quarter, that would be result in the equivalent of a $12 membership!
And the neat thing is that While the club gets the equivalent of a
membership fee, the member gets the same amount in savings! We all
win! If the kits make a good beer, we may even pick up a little cash
from people not normally connected with the club. So far, Fritz has
expressed interest in two kits and I think Doug Kryder has said he
would like two kits. I also put an order form on-line

The June Brew at the barn would be a good place to feature what our
club kit beer can taste like and the extract kits should easily be
ready for the Big Brew in May.

David Dietz

Mar 31, 2011, 10:48:23 PM3/31/11
Hi Mel,  i probably will not make the meeting on the 1st but would take two kits if I could please.  Maybe i could pick it up at Jim's or something.  Thanks,  Dave  963-4532


Aaron Oberman

Apr 1, 2011, 8:25:56 AM4/1/11

Dave about these kits…do they require the same brewing process that you demonstrated at your shop or are these more beginner friendly.  If it’s the latter would you mind adding one more order for pick up from Jim?  I could drop off that money today if you would be game for it.





From: [] On Behalf Of David Dietz
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: Cream Ale Kit recipe


Hi Mel,  i probably will not make the meeting on the 1st but would take two kits if I could please.  Maybe i could pick it up at Jim's or something.  Thanks,  Dave  963-4532

David Dietz

Apr 5, 2011, 1:08:30 AM4/5/11
Hi Aaron,  Your message should have gone to the whole group, so I hope Mel or Jim saw it and can count you in on the kit.  An extract is much easier than all grain (which is what I we were demonstrating in Nov.)  Sorry I didn't see this till now.  Dave

saint mel

Apr 9, 2011, 7:05:07 AM4/9/11
to DUFF Brew Club
Yup, I saw it and there will be plenty of kits and one is reserved for
you Aaron. Don't worry about the money. I'll collect when they are
distributed beginning on the Big Brew day.


On Apr 5, 12:08 am, David Dietz <> wrote:
> Hi Aaron,  Your message should have gone to the whole group, so I hope Mel
> or Jim saw it and can count you in on the kit.  An extract is much easier
> than all grain (which is what I we were demonstrating in Nov.)  Sorry I
> didn't see this till now.  Dave
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Aaron Oberman <> wrote:
> > Dave about these kits…do they require the same brewing process that you
> > demonstrated at your shop or are these more beginner friendly.  If it’s the
> > latter would you mind adding one more order for pick up from Jim?  I could
> > drop off that money today if you would be game for it.
> > Aaron
> > *From:* [mailto:
> >] *On Behalf Of *David Dietz
> > *Sent:* Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:48 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: Cream Ale Kit recipe
> > Hi Mel,  i probably will not make the meeting on the 1st but would take two
> > kits if I could please.  Maybe i could pick it up at Jim's or something.
> > Thanks,  Dave  963-4532
> >
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