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Open Letter of complaint to the International Court of Justice (0424)

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Kall, Mogens

Mar 24, 2003, 5:31:37 AM3/24/03
Do You think You got the power for NOTHING ?

Use it on Iraq !!!

Input memory (file: 96-09-05.haa):

From Mogens Kall Thursday 5. Sep. 1996

To the International Court of Justice, Haag
Copies: The government of USA and the Muslim World through the
Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.

Dear Justice,


Warrant in regard to a mass murderer!

Saturday August the 31. this year Saddam Hussein attacked Kurds in the
northern Iraq. UN proclaimed - after the gulf-war in 1991 - this area
as a free zone, and to protect the Kurds against this mass murderer
and his war-mashine, UDN established a no-fly zone. We don't know, how
many innocents people, they had murdered - yet!
It's NOT the first-time Saddam Hussein had done barbarism. In the
eighties he had done crimes against humanity by nerve-gas-attack upon
the Kurds and ethnic-purge-trial by mass-murder in the southern Iraq.
He had also launched aggressive wars upon Iran (in the eighties) and
Kuwait (in 1990).

Lord Shawcross, Nürembreg prosecutor 1945, says i.r.t. the trial:

"The purpose was a twofold:
The first was retribution; the punishment of people,
who'd launched this war against the world, and not only
the war, but also - prior to the commencement of the war
and during it - had, of course, committed the most ter-
rible crimes against humanity as, for instance, by exter-
minating, and certainly 7 million jews.
The second purpose of the trial was that we hoped to
lay down the rules of international law of the future.
Not only making the waging of aggressive war unlawful,
but, for the first time, making the statesmen, who led
their countries into an aggressive war, personally re-
sponsible for what, they had done."

Saddam Hussein is PERSONALLY responsible for these crimes against
humanity, as far as I can see. The question is:

"Why don't we put him on trial ? - The people of Iraq can
not live in peace until this dictator is gone. They need
our help - NOW"

In regard to a "hypothetical" REWARD - can we use "Red Cross (Red
half-moon)" as a banq?

Yours respectfully

The servant of Michael
--- END of file 96-09-05.haa ----------------------------------------

Input memory (file 0292)
Letter of complaint to the International Court of Justice (0292)
The International Court of Justice, the Hague
2003-02-13, Thursday, CET 12:50


If You want to stay alive and survive, You MUST do Justice - Now!

1. case:
Put Saddam Hussein on trial.

Aggresive war against Iran and Kuwait.
Crime against humanity (inklude nervegas upon kurdish people)

2. case:
Put the NON-democratic government of Northkorea on trial.

Menace to the World-Peace.
Crime against humanity.
--- END of file 0292 ------------------------------------------

Untill then You are UNFAIR, prejudiced !!!

Yours (with a great break of respect)
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Open Letter of complaint to the International Court of Justice (0424)

This file has been send to
The International Court of Justice
10 Downing Street

Time for OUTPUT:
2003-03-24, Monday, CET 11:31

Kall, Mogens

Mar 24, 2003, 6:28:33 AM3/24/03
You CONPLETE misunderstood the-ARK-of-Justice!

It's NOT going behind but in the front (Joshua 6,4)

You are UNFAIR, prejudiced !!!

Input memory from file 0387:
Judas, the traitor - Forræderen Judas (0387)
2003-03-17, Monday, CET 23:17
I heard a voice say'ing:

My sons and daughters gave their life, so that You can live in freedom!
My sons and daughters became murdered without any reason!
And You are say'ing: "Just turn the other cheek!"
How many of my sons and daughters shall die ?
--- END of 0387 ----------------------------------------------------

Yours (with a great break of respect)
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Re: Open Letter of complaint to the International Court of Justice (0424)

This file has been send to

Time for OUTPUT:
2003-03-24, Monday, CET 12:28

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