Fwd: [django] Excluir un ítem de un dropdown en el admin de django

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Rafael E. Ferrero

Jun 20, 2017, 5:25:00 AM6/20/17
to django...@googlegroups.com
I have to make a parent relation between two people (brother/sister, father/mother, etc) in my projec.
I have a Person class and a child class named Firefighter. What I need it's to indicate the parent relation between the selected Firefighter and the selected Person, for that I have two dropdown in my Django Admin.

The trouble it's because Firefighter class is a child of Person class so the Firefighter item are in the two dropdowns and it shouldn't

How can I exclude the selected Firefighter item from Person's dropdown ??

Best regards!!

Rafael E. Ferrero

Melvyn Sopacua

Jun 20, 2017, 8:32:45 PM6/20/17
to django...@googlegroups.com

On Tuesday 20 June 2017 02:24:20 Rafael E. Ferrero wrote:



> The trouble it's because Firefighter class is a child of Person class

> so the Firefighter item are in the two dropdowns and it shouldn't


Are you sure a firefighter is a person? Or is it the person's job?


Show your models, cause it's likely your setup is wrong.


Melvyn Sopacua

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