I'm developing a website which contains a database. I then need to be able to update that database from a separate python application like a desktop or mobile app.
I am new to Django and fairly new to Python (few months).
After reading the introductory materials I'm thinking the way to do this is:
1. Write the website application which can update database entries with a call like ' myModel.Create(info1='blah', info2='blah') '
2. Package this application/website into something like 'django-myWebsite'
3. In my other program/app import my package like 'from django-myWebsite import *'
4. Make calls to the website via my package like ' myModel.Create(info1='blah', info2='blah') '
Is this the right approach/will it work or is there a better way to do it? Also, are there any examples of accessing a django built website through another program?
Thanks - Damon