What is the best open source Django IDE ?
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Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Associate
On 2010-07-18, at 11:06 , tayfur yilmaz wrote:
> wing ide.
> 2010/7/18 河边的汉子 <gaof...@gmail.com>
>> pydev eric ulipad……
>> 2010/7/18 Juan Hernandez <vladj...@gmail.com>
>> google: "django ide"
>>> :)
>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 12:39 AM, Tran Cao Thai <
>>> jasonvoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> find them, use them and you will know the best
>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 1:53 AM, Jitendra Joshi <
>>>> joshijit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> What is the best open source Django IDE ?
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> --
> www.tayfuryilmaz.com
Gonzalo Delgado <gonza...@gmail.com>
I would say VIM, too. Emacs should be very good too, but I've never
used it. Their advantage:
1) you can use them from the command line, so over SSH too, and they
(at least VI) are available everywhere
2) they're so wide spread that there's a plug-in for almost everything
3) they're so configurable that you can write a plug-in to do anything
you want
4) learn once, use for anything
Admitted, there are disadvantages: they have a learning curve,
expecially VIM, but once you know how to use them, they increase your
productivity a lot.
- autocompletion
- very very very strong search and replace
- macro's
- configurable key bindings/commands
Comparison of VIM and Emacs (what I've read):
- Emacs is monolithic (does everything, for example includes shell),
VIM is unix style (does one thing well, why reproduce the shell?)
- The unix cli uses Emacs key bindings (but VI bindings are optional)
- Emacs doesn't have different (confusing) modes, VIM doesn't leave
you with a crippled little finger (from all the <C-...>'s)
- VIM has more commands than Emacs
I would say Emacs makes you more productive on shorter term, VIM makes
you more productive on longer term.
Cheers, Roald
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Wrong, all it's features are in separated Emacs' Lisp modules which
can be activated or deactivated at user's will. Emacs provides
different kind of programs to allow user's edit text without exiting
from Emacs, that's why it is nice to have a shell (that without
mentioning the cool features you can develop with a shell interface).
> - Emacs doesn't have different (confusing) modes, VIM doesn't leave you with
> a crippled little finger (from all the <C-...>'s)
For me having two modes is annoying and confusing, I don't mind
hitting modifiers to execute things but that's a personal taste, the
good thing is that if you are a vi(m)'s keybinding dependant person
you can activate viper-mode and Emacs will have the same keybindings
as vi(m).
> - VIM has more commands than Emacs
I disagree with that. Just install Emacs, hit M-x apropos-commands and
count them for yourself :). Emacs is a Lisp interpreter with text
editor commands and primitives included into it. So it is a complete
development environment for itself and the GNU/Emacs distribution
comes with batteries-included, it supports by default languages you
probably never heard of.
> I would say Emacs makes you more productive on shorter term, VIM makes you
> more productive on longer term.
I disagree with that too, both editors are so advanced that let you
increase your productivity in time to limits you wouldn't imagine.
Emacs is known to be the most extensible of both (that's its
philosophy) so your productivity limit is your imagination, as long as
you willing to learn some Emacs Lisp.
I'm not sending this email to start a flame on Emacs and Vim. Being a
relatively advanced Emacs user I just like to correct some points
expressed here.
And to finish I like to mention that I tried myself Vim and Emacs some
years ago when looking for better ways to work, and I stayed with
Emacs mainly because of two things:
* The extension language (I like Lisp).
* I don't like having two editing modes.
Whatever you choose should be fine, it's just a matter of personal taste.
Best Regards,
Fabián E. Gallina
Eclipse is the best IDE for python and django.
Don't forget pycharm, whose specific Django support is one of the majorly pushed features.
If I override the save() method; is there a way to find the existing (in
the DB) values and the new (to be stored) values?
I haven't tried netbeans yet but I only hear good things of it so far.
As far commercial IDEs there is WingIDE and PyCharm, PyCharm is very
Django oriented right now and has very good autocompletion/code
editing tools, it may be the best option but Wing is also preparing
it's Django specific features for next release (available in beta
Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Valenzuela
> If you are looking for a "Full IDE" I have used Eclipse+PyDev (and
> other plugins) and works quite well, completion is reasonable and you
> have a wealth of extensions such as VCS support, Mylyn Integration (to
> work with remote task/issue managers), HTML editing, etc. It is a
> little bloated if you are used to editors and other lightweight IDEs
> though, but I can recommend it.
> I haven't tried netbeans yet but I only hear good things of it so far.
> As far commercial IDEs there is WingIDE and PyCharm, PyCharm is very
> Django oriented right now and has very good autocompletion/code
> editing tools, it may be the best option but Wing is also preparing
> it's Django specific features for next release (available in beta
> builds).
I have eclipse/aptana + PyDev but i did not found it comfortable, mb i
just gave it too little time to get familiar with, or i'm too stick to
NetBeans. However, i'll give a try to SPE mentioned in other post, never
heard of that.
Linux user
geany - lightweight and easy to use
Kenneth Gonsalves
Just perform database queries as per normal inside the save() method.
You have access to the object to be stored as well, see
I want to see if b is a special value before saving.