Some tickets that should perhaps get looked at before 1.1

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Jan 6, 2009, 5:05:59 PM1/6/09
to Django developers
As the list seems to be resuming from holiday hibernation, I risk
causing another "don't you dare to push us" flame-bombing :) by
proposing that the following get looked at before 1.1:

* `__import__(mod, {}, {}, [''])` causes double import of modules [1]

After discussions on python-dev, an idiom emerged for a clean fix.
Patch updated recently, Malcom had some concerns before, perhaps they
should be discussed further here. Backwards-compatible, in scope for
1.0.X and 1.1.

* Wrap help_text in "<span class="helptext"></span>" [2]

Trivial patch, easy to review and commit. In scope for 1.1, but breaks
backwards-compatibility a bit. General consensus seems to be that this
is needed (as per JKM).

* Cache miss (locmem cache backend is not thread-safe) [3]

Again, the problem is clear and patch is trivial. In scope for 1.0.X
and 1.1.

* Formsets with data that violates unique constraints across forms are
not marked invalid [4]

Follow-up to . In scope for
1.0.X, hopefully model validation will address this and similar issues
in 1.1.

Maybe we should arrange an online sprint ASAP, e.g. I myself am able
to contribute time for fixing other things that need attention as
well, but coordinating the effort would be nice.

Malcolm Tredinnick

Jan 6, 2009, 11:36:00 PM1/6/09
On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 09:05 -0800, mrts wrote:
> As the list seems to be resuming from holiday hibernation, I risk
> causing another "don't you dare to push us" flame-bombing :) by
> proposing that the following get looked at before 1.1:
> * `__import__(mod, {}, {}, [''])` causes double import of modules [1]

It's already being looked at. It's assigned to me for that reason. As I
mentioned in the last substantive comment on the ticket, solving it has
revealed some other problems with imports that I'm slowly working
through as time permits.


Tai Lee

Jan 7, 2009, 9:47:13 AM1/7/09
to Django developers
I'd also love to see 8898 committed. It looks to be a fairly straight-
forward bug fix, at least to me.


Alex Gaynor

Jan 7, 2009, 9:56:47 AM1/7/09
I'd like to remind everyone that the policy for bugs is to fix them, they don't all need to be listed, because the goal is to fix them all.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." --Voltaire
"The people's good is the highest law."--Cicero


Jan 7, 2009, 7:56:24 PM1/7/09
to Django developers
On Jan 7, 11:56 am, "Alex Gaynor" <> wrote:
> I'd like to remind everyone that the policy for bugs is to fix them, they
> don't all need to be listed, because the goal is to fix them all.

Let me remind everybody that 1.1 is officially only 8 days away. The
goal is clearly not achievable in that time :), so a selection has to
be made. I'd say bringing up trivial, non-controversial, fully
documented and tested bugfixes like I and Tai Lee did, helps in that
selection and makes 1.1 a better release. The total ticket mass is
just unmanageable and picking ripe fruits for the devs to review and
commit should assist, not hinder in achieving that goal.


Which brings me to a related matter: as there have been no news about
Honza and his progress on model validation, I'll semi-champion it (at
least until he pops up again OR a core dev steps up to take it upon
him/herself OR someone opposes this). I've created a fork of the
unofficial git mirror for that purpose at
. Everybody is most welcome to contribute.

By semi-champion I mean that I'll contribute as much as I can beside
daily job tasks by directly writing code, hanging in #django-dev to
discuss things with people interested in helping out and merging
other's patches and upstream changes ASAP. Unfortunately I can not
warrant that this will be completed it in the short time remaining.
Design decisions will eventually appear in the wiki:

As of now, I've only merged the latest patch by Honza, so the branch
should be rather unusable (trunk has changed considerably in some
areas -- neither did the patch apply cleanly nor was it always
applicable where it did).

Alex Gaynor

Jan 7, 2009, 7:59:36 PM1/7/09
1.1 is not 8 days away, the 1.1 major feature freeze, this means items that are new features on the 1.1 features list.  1.1 final doesn't ship until mid-March, which is quite a bit of time considering that starting on February 15th the only changes that will occur will be bug fixes.



Jan 7, 2009, 8:16:39 PM1/7/09
to Django developers
On Jan 7, 9:59 pm, "Alex Gaynor" <> wrote:
> 1.1 is not 8 days away, the 1.1 major feature freeze, this means items that
> are new features on the 1.1 features list.

/me puts on a brown paper bag. Right, feature freeze and bug fixing
are different things.

Can we perhaps agree on a set time when people can start shouting
"look at ticket x" (preferably in conjunction with a sprint)?
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