Great idea -- I think that making DIY Bio known to them would be of
great benefit to the community, and to the public at large. I agree
that it doesn't have to be a sort of "mission statement" or anything
like that, just something that says that people in the DIY Bio
community are interested in, and want to take part in, the discussions
and deliberations being made during the bioethics committee meeting.
On Jul 8, 7:21 pm, Bryan Bishop <> wrote:
> So,
> After watching the stream today on the U.S. President's Committee on
> Bioethics, I am convinced that if the diybio community would come together
> to write a small email to the Bioethics Commission that we will be heard. In
> particular, there were multiple times when the topic of garage biotech was
> prominently featured, but no mention of slightly more structured groups--
> such as diybio as a public community of open source innovation enthusiasts
> and makers.
> Furthermore I also suspect that there's a large chance that anything we do
> say, as a community, even in part or whole, will make the way to
> if we so choose. There are of course alternative routes,
> because of helpful organizations currently on the mailing list, and other
> institutional ties that we all have. I'd say much higher than 20% or 30% if
> we had something interesting to say. I suspect that with the support of
> Markus Schmidt et al., speaking at the commission tomorrow, that what we say
> can find its way into the commission's report- which is undoubtedly going to
> be a lengthy document. By the mandate, it is to be exhaustive of the
> different communities and topics that have been developing: synthetic
> biology, stem cell technology, biotechnology, garage biotech, innovation,
> patent reform and intellectual property, etc. The committee is also
> authorized to commission studies, reports, etc., and our view of the
> situation as a community is unique.
> But it doesn't have to be anything important that we say- except perhaps a
> congratulatory statement on the commission, or whatever the typical
> political term for this would be. So! What are your thoughts on the
> bioethics of diybio, biohacking, as it applies to the commision's mandate?
> What would you say if you were there? This has the potential to help shape
> the political environment in which synthetic biology- as well as biology in
> general- exists within, and we in particular have this unique chance for
> being heard.
> If you could say exactly one sentence to President Barack Obama- about
> DIYbio, biohacking, garage biotech, open source hardware- what would you
> say?
> - Bryanhttp:// 512 203 0507begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
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