Disqus Developers

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The Disqus developers discussion group has been moved to our Discuss Disqus channel (Developer topic). Check out our 101 to learn how to post a discussion/question.

Disqus is a service and tool for web comments and discussions. The Disqus comment system can be plugged into any website, blog, or application. Disqus makes commenting easier and more interactive, while connecting websites and commenters across a thriving discussion community.

This discussion group is for everybody who integrates and tweaks Disqus in non-typical way. If you have questions or ideas related to our javascript widgets or API, feel free to post them here.

Some links that may help someone:

  1. Developer Help Docs
  2. API Documentation
  3. API Bindings
  4. Integrating Single Sign-On
Note: This is not a general help forum. For general help inquiries, please visit Discuss Disqus.