* The three causes of sin * [ Book: PROUT in a nutshell - part 8, chapter 2 ]

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Anandasamarpana anandamargii

Aug 15, 2011, 2:18:14 AM8/15/11
to Latest Topic - *Dynamicity and Staticity* -[Book: PROUT in a Nutshell - Part- 7, Chapter-7]
* The three causes of sin * [ Book: PROUT in a nutshell - part 8,
chapter 2 ]

" The duty of the Sadvipras will be to hammer these stagnant people
who are a burden to society, who suffer from inertness in their
physico- psychic sphere, at the appropriate moment so that the path of
human progress becomes straight, clear and well-constructed." -

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http://proutist.fi/content/three-causes-sin-p-r-sarkart 8, chapter 2 ]

" The duty of the Sadvipras will be to hammer these stagnant people
who are a burden to society, who suffer from inertness in their
physico- psychic sphere, at the appropriate moment so that the path of
human progress becomes straight, clear and well-constructed." -

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