
Contact the owners and managers
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Welcome to the www.diggers-dumpers-plant.co.uk discussion group.
Here you can post messages about your plant machines, ask questions, upload pictures and reply to other messages. You need a Google Account in order to sign in and add messages. It is easy to get one https://accounts.google.com/NewAccount and signing in helps to prevent people spamming the group with adverts and unwanted messages. You do not need to be a member to read the discussions. Posting is easy and the editor is very similar to that used by Googlemail.

Important: Please re-size your photos to say maximum 800 x 600 pixels. Modern digital camera's take huge pictures which are far too big to be practical on a website. You can resize pictures easily using free software like Picasa.

New members please note: the first time you post a message into this group it will not appear immediately as it will be checked. Once you are approved then your messages will appear straight away as you add them.