Has anything changed with Digg APIs?

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Aug 22, 2008, 4:43:30 AM8/22/08
to Digg API, sup...@digg.com
Hello Digg Support,

Has any thing changed with the Digg API?

Digg API queries are returning random results for example when you
query Digg API for last 100 user submissions it returns less than 100
even though the user has more than 100 submissions. Please check here


I dont know if I should be emailing sup...@digg.com for Digg APIs, if
there is some other email address I should contact, please give it to
me or forward this email to them.

Thanks for your help.

Digg User Name : DiggBoss

Steve Williams

Aug 22, 2008, 6:52:04 AM8/22/08
to dig...@googlegroups.com
At 01:43 AM 8/22/2008, thedi...@googlemail.com wrote:
>... when you query Digg API for last 100 user submissions it returns
>less than 100 even though the user has more than 100 submissions.

That may be a bug introduced when we pushed some code changes
Thursday. I'll get it fixed as soon as I can.


Yeah, looking at the response, I can see the implicit time period was applied:

<stories timestamp="..." min_date="1216809840" total="29" offset="0"

Note the min_date in the header, which tells us only the last 30
days' submissions were returned. That's the implicit time period for
many List Users calls, but not when a single user's submissions are
requested, as documented here:


Thanks for the report.


Aug 22, 2008, 7:18:05 AM8/22/08
to Digg API
Steve - Thanks for the prompt reply, I really appreciate.

On Aug 22, 3:52 pm, Steve Williams <s...@digg.com> wrote:

Steve Williams

Aug 24, 2008, 2:44:25 PM8/24/08
to dig...@googlegroups.com
At 01:43 AM 8/22/2008, thedi...@googlemail.com wrote:
>... when you query Digg API for last 100 user submissions it returns
>less than 100 even though the user has more than 100 submissions.

We just pushed a fix for that problem.

Sorry it took a couple of days. We've been very busy getting ready
for the Democratic convention, where the API will play its part!


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