Hi Gary,
On Dec 9, 3:23 am, "Gary Yngve" <
gary.yn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With dm-aggregates, size does not produce the expected answer with a query
> containing limit.
> >> Thing.all(:limit=>2).map{1}.size # my new fave idiom until this bug is
In the meantime you should be able to use:
Thing.all(:limit=>2).to_a.size # my new fave idiom until this bug
Can you create a ticket with this issue in our bug tracker:
If you can include a stand-alone script that duplicates the problem.
Here's an example script:
Failing specs are also welcome, but a stand-alone script is usually
enough for us to track down the issue, create the specs ourselves, and
then verify the fixes. It would be nice to have a few of the failing
scenarios outlined.
I'm wondering if perhaps aliasing Collection#size to Collection#count
is a bit premature. Obviously we need alot more test cases to ensure
the results are correct. Worst case we'll remove it prior to the next
release, but I'll see what I can do about fixing it on edge first.