
Contact owners and managers
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Dear Friend,

Welcome to the group!!!

Please feel free to contribute here with your knowledge. Please share your doubts too.

The members of this group are expected to follow the following Protocols:

1. Please search previous posts in the group before posting the question.
2. Don't write the query in someone's post. Always use the option of New topic for the new question.
You can do this by writing to
3. It’s better to give a proper subject to your post/query. It'll help others while searching.
4. Never write Open-ended queries. This group intends to help research scholars, NOT TO
WORK FOR THEM. Always provide complete details of our work.
5. Never write words like URGENT in your posts. People will help when they are free.
6. Never upload any information about National seminars, conferences, or calls for Papers. Send such information in personal emails and feel free to share any RESEARCH-related information.
7. No Happy New Year, Happy Diwali, Happy Holi, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, etc.
allowed in this group.
8. Previously there was a facility for asking for or sharing Research Papers. Now there is
no provision for asking for research papers here. 
9. You can share your questionnaire only once. Requesting again and again for filling out the questionnaire is not appreciated.

Let’s make a better research environment.